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No other investment yields as great a return as the investment in education. An educated workforce is the foundation of every community and the future of every economy.

It takes most men five years to recover from a college education and to learn that poetry is as vital to thinking as knowledge.

A good education is that which prepares us for our future sphere of action and makes us contented with that situation in life in which God in his infinite mercy has seen fit to place us to be perfectly resigned to our lot in life whatever it may be.

Racism cannot be cured solely by attacking some of the results it produces like discrimination in housing or in education.

So I was shampooing at 14. But I've always thought that had I the opportunity for an education I would have been an architect. There's no question about it.

Most everything I do revolves around tae kwon do. That said I like to be a typical girl and go shopping. I have three nieces and nephews that I like to hang out with. I'm also finishing my last semester at the University of Houston where I'm majoring in childhood education.

The zeitgeist is for cutting spending and balancing the budget. But I do not want the Republican Party to be perceived as putting the budget ahead of people jobs and education.

Americans are a decade behind Canada when it comes to sex education and understanding their bodies.

In his first year in office President Obama pulled us back from the brink of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression and worked to lay a new foundation for economic growth. The president identified three key strategies to build that lasting prosperity: innovation investment and education.

I think Democrats are right. We fight for the American dream for the environment for privacy rights a woman's right to choose a good public education system.

Religion is the solid basis of good morals therefore education should teach the precepts of religion and the duties of man toward God.

Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't.

I had the most reversed education possible. Every parent wants their son to be a businessman respectable - me it was the opposite. When I had an artist career my mum was like 'Oh finally I'm proud of you!'

Over the next two years UNICEF will focus on improving access to and the quality of education to provide children who have dropped out of school or who work during school hours the opportunity to gain a formal education!

I don't know if I'm a national education figure.

I was blessed to have a mother and father that recognized the value of education.

To compete in a global economy our students must continue their education beyond high school. To make this expectation a reality we must give students the tools they need to succeed including the opportunity to take a college entrance exam.

With Michigan's economic future on the line we can't afford to have our 500 local school districts marching in different directions. Instead we need a high standards mandatory curriculum to get all our students on the road to higher education and a good paying job.

Unless children have strong education and strong families and strong communities and decent housing it's not enough to go sit in at a lunch counter.

Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.

A person like myself born and raised in the inner city of Atlanta Georgia to lower-middle-class parents. But I had the opportunity to get an education to go and earn a commission in the United States Army to serve for 22 years to lead men and women in combat.

I'm no politician. I'm an historian who has learned through a lifetime of studying that nothing in the world beats universal education.

Education is important because first of all people need to know that discrimination still exists. It is still real in the workplace and we should not take that for granted.

But to me the bottom line is the more education you can give yourself and the more preparation you can do the less chance of failing.