Search For techno In Quotes 870

I love the idea of anthropomorphizing machines. I love the idea of taking technology and giving it a personality.

New ideas in technology are literally a dime-a-dozen or cheaper than that.

In some cases inventions prohibit innovation because we're so caught up in playing with the technology we forget about the fact that it was supposed to be important.

Creative people are notoriously the slowest to adopt new technology.

I'm very into science-fantasy that kind of swordfights and magic and technology thing.

In a way film and television are in the same sort of traumatic trance that print journalism is. The technology has outpaced our comprehension of its implications.

Lucky individuals in each generation find technology appropriate to their needs.

In the industrial revolution Britain led the world in advances that enabled mass production: trade exchanges transportation factory technology and new skills needed for the new industrialised world.

Product management really is the fusion between technology what engineers do - and the business side.

Really in technology it's about the people getting the best people retaining them nurturing a creative environment and helping to find a way to innovate.

The great growling engine of change - technology.

I believe that we were not as effective in the second term dealing with this issue of nuclear none proliferation as we had been during the first term when we stripped Libya and Iraq and A.Q. Khan and their capacity to proliferate nuclear technology.

The way the world is going it's technology driven. And it isn't just driven by the old super powers it's driven by the far east and new emerging economies.

So I think the winners in recession are the people who produce new technology that does things better which people really want.

If you really want to improve technology if you want things to work better and be better you've got to protect the person who spends a lot of effort money and time developing that new technology.

The wonderful thing about Apple technology is just how intuitive it is.

I always wanted to work with Michael Jackson. His music will live forever and with technology nowadays... maybe I could.

Advertisers are not thinking radically enough - they look for technology to lead instead of trying the neuroscience approach and thinking about what parts of the brain haven't been activated before. These new experiences bring new capabilities to the brain.

I'd like people to be educated on the voting machines making sure that our democracy isn't being hijacked by computer technology. There's no reason there can't be a paper trail on those machines.

It reflects a prevailing myth that production technology is no more amenable to human judgment or social interests than the laws of thermodynamics atomic structure or biological inheritance.

A company can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on firewalls intrusion detection systems and encryption and other security technologies but if an attacker can call one trusted person within the company and that person complies and if the attacker gets in then all that money spent on technology is essentially wasted.

Countries across the world are taking action now to help them track paedophiles and terrorists who abuse new technology to plot their horrific crimes.

The Internet will win because it is relentless. Like a cannibal it even turns on it own. Though early portals like Prodigy and AOL once benefited from their first-mover status competitors surpassed them as technology and consumer preferences changed.

When we're talking about technology that involves weapons of mass destruction nuclear chemical or biological weapons there has to be an element of preemption.