Search For before In Quotes 962

Be courteous to all but intimate with few and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.

To stop terrorists before the strike we must do three things: deny them entry into the country curtail their freedom of action inside the country and deprive them of material and moral support from within the country.

The abortion license has not brought freedom and security to women. Rather it has ushered in a new era of irresponsibility toward women and children one that now begins before birth.

Modernism released us from the constraints of everything that had gone before with a euphoric sense of freedom.

I've returned to being an amateur without any ties or strings attached which gives me a freedom I never had before.

Watching President Obama apologize last week for America's arrogance - before a French audience that owes its freedom to the sacrifices of Americans - helped convince me that he has a deep-seated antipathy toward American values and traditions.

Freedom granted only when it is known beforehand that its effects will be beneficial is not freedom.

Even before I knew I was gay I knew I didn't want to have a child. I knew I didn't want to have one. I never want to have to release it from me. Listen I love babies. I love children. And I melt when I'm around them. I also love my freedom and I love that I can sleep at night.

A man may be a pessimistic determinist before lunch and an optimistic believer in the will's freedom after it.

Do not allow to slip away from you freedoms the people who came before you won with such hard knocks.

Before Nelson Mandela was arrested in 1962 he was an angry relatively young man. He founded the ANC's military wing. When he was released he surprised everyone because he was talking about reconciliation and forgiveness and not about revenge.

Forgiveness is not a feeling - it's a decision we make because we want to do what's right before God. It's a quality decision that won't be easy and it may take time to get through the process depending on the severity of the offense.

How large and varied is the educational bill of fare set before every young gentleman in Great Britain and to judge by the mental stamina it affords him in most cases what a waste of good food it is!

If we eat any food or drink any beverage we must recite a blessing over them before and after.

I heard about the project over a year before we began. My American agent said 'Oh you might want to read 'In Cold Blood' because they're talking about you for Capote but the script's with Johnny Depp and Sean Penn at the moment.' So these things take their time to dribble down the food chain.

My mother accidentally gave me food poisoning. She fed me baby carrots for a snack before Christmas dinner - but they had expired in June! I threw up for the next 24 hours.

I don't like to waste anything. Any food left over from the night before is always eaten the next day.

In the States you can buy Chinese food. In Beijing you can buy hamburger. It's very close. Now I feel the world become a big family like a really big family. You have many neighbors. Not like before two countries are far away.

In my travels I also noticed that kids in Thailand like spicy food and kids in India love curry. I'm hoping to introduce my son Hudson to lots of veggies and spices when he's young. I say that before he's started on solid foods so it could be easier in theory than practice!

I wasn't passionate about food until I'd been cooking for a while. I started long before food became part of the mainstream media. I just wanted to cook period.

You know most of the food that Americans hold so dear - things like hamburgers and hot dogs - were road food but even before they were road food they were peasant food.

My Food Network shows 'Emeril Live' and 'Essence of Emeril ' are not in production right now but I wouldn't say that I'm necessarily leaving Food Network. I have a lot of television still in me. I enjoy teaching people so it's just a matter of time before I do something new.

Start with a clean grill. Keep it clean by brushing with a wire brush after preheating and again after cooking. Make sure to oil your grates and your food before putting it on the grill to keep it from sticking.

If I can wake up everyday before I die and know that I don't have to serve anyone food or drinks I will be happy!