Search For everyone In Quotes 626

It's amazing how everyone has an opinion on how you should live your life.

And you can't complain about kissing Emma Watson. Isn't that what everyone in the world wants to do? I've known Emma for a few years. She's this amazing capacity of young and vibrant and brilliant but also a bright intelligent old soul.

My mom can't defend herself to the world. She is such an amazing woman with such an open heart. It's a real hard line and I crossed it. I took everyone's life story and assumed it would be a great thing to put on screen. I was being selfish and I feel so horrible about it. I feel so guilty.

I had an amazing experience working with great people. I had a great family a typical family with drama in certain areas and that's pretty much everywhere in everyone's life.

My favorite designer is Christian Lacroix not just because his clothes are amazing and I love them but because he's so nice. When I did his fashion show he was the first one to arrive there and he helped everyone.

My 'Movember' moustache was never going to be as big as Nigel Mansell's but I tried my best. The amazing thing is that when you try to grow a moustache you notice everyone else's. There are some amazing moustaches on the grid.

In football you always get judged on your last game. Whoever you are or how amazing you are it's the last game that everyone has seen.

I'd love to do something with Kelly Clarkson because she's been a monumental influence on me. I love how she handles her celebrity. She's not in the tabloids a lot but everyone knows and respects her because she's got an amazing voice. That's something I aim towards.

If you're a basketball player and you don't stop and take pictures with your fans you can have an amazing game and everyone still loves you.

I love photo sessions. I'm alone I'm the queen everyone's taking care of me.

I love my friends and family but I also love it when they can't find me and I can spend all day reading or walking all alone in silence eight thousand miles away from everyone. All alone and unreachable in a foreign country is one my most favorite possible things to be.

When you stand alone and sell yourself you can't please everyone. But when you're different you can last.

Grief can't be shared. Everyone carries it alone. His own burden in his own way.

I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught all the world would be wise since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning understanding patience love openness and the willingness to remain vulnerable.

As a body everyone is single as a soul never.

It doesn't matter what color sex religion age sexual orientation etc. everyone should have the same freedoms and liberties.

People say women shouldn't have long hair over a certain age but I've never done what everyone says.

Everyone takes pause at 40. It's the age you have to assess everything in your life. It's the fictitious marker that's always coming up when you're young. The world really does look at you to kind of have it together by 40 and be successful by 40. Whatever success means.

I think that everyone at any age should ask themselves 'where do I want to be today where do I want to be tomorrow and where do I want to be in a hundred years?' We all have clear answers to those questions. We only have so much time. It's a real shame if we don't spend our lives trying to do that.

To write a story about New York that only deals with people in your age and socioeconomic bracket that feels dishonest to me. So much of New York comes from everyone bumping into each other.

At my age the only problem is with remembering names. When I call everyone darling it has damn all to do with passionately adoring them but I know I'm safe calling them that. Although of course I adore them too.

'Dallas' hit a chord back in the late Seventies and Eighties because it was the age of greed: here you have this unapologetic character who is mean and nasty and ruthless and does it all with an evil grin. I think people related to JR back then because we all have someone we know exactly like him. Everyone in the world knows a JR.

Everyone talks about age but it's not about age. It's about work ethic. Winning never gets old.

Everyone knows that by far the happiest and universally enjoyable age of man is the first. What is there about babies which makes us hug and kiss and fondle them so that even an enemy would give them help at that age?