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I was at the vice president's Christmas party. I thought that his speech was spectacular and I knew that it was a very emotional and difficult thing for him to do but I admonished him for not waiting just one more stinking day.

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I'm working harder than ever now and I'm putting on my pants the same as I always have. I just get up every day and try to do a little better than the day before and that is to run a great restaurant with great food great wine and great service. That's my philosophy.

More than any other in Western Europe Britain remains a country where a traveler has to think twice before indulging in the ordinary food of ordinary people.

Every major food company now has an organic division. There's more capital going into organic agriculture than ever before.

Know how to garnish food so that it is more appealing to the eye and even more flavorful than before.

I would like to thank everyone who supported me to be fit for the Euros. I had some fitness problems before the tournament but I am here now!

I've published one book before and now I'm writing a book of essays and stories about life in Tokyo. And I have one book coming out in May in Germany about fitness.

The value and utility of any experiment are determined by the fitness of the material to the purpose for which it is used and thus in the case before us it cannot be immaterial what plants are subjected to experiment and in what manner such experiment is conducted.

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system for if they did I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

There is no fear before and no fear after. We give our best.

My greatest fear is disappointing the reader so each book has to be better than the one before.

I think there's a lot projected on beautiful women period. At least maybe this is just my fear but I do sometimes feel dismissed before I've even been allowed to participate. I have moments of feeling really wounded. But I am pretty optimistic and I do enjoy a lot of my life.

The independent girl is a person before whose wrath only the most rash dare stand and they it must be confessed with much fear and trembling.

I cannot give a single concert at which I do not play one piece after the other in an agony of terror because my memory threatens to fail me. This fear torments me for days beforehand.

It's the opinion of some that crops could be grown on the moon which raises the fear that it may not be long before we're paying somebody not to.

To seek understanding before taking action yet to trust my instincts when action is called for. Never to avoid danger from fear never to seek out danger for its own sake. Never to conform to fashion from fear of eccentricity never to be eccentric from fear of conformity.

Stand before the people you fear and speak your mind - even if your voice shakes.

When the entertainers of the Right aren't declaring their disgust with President Obama for groveling before foreign potentates they're pretending to fear him as a left-wing thug an exemplar of what they call 'the Chicago way.'

I woke up full of hate and fear the day before the most recent peace march in San Francisco. This was disappointing: I'd hoped to wake up feeling somewhere between Virginia Woolf and Wavy Gravy.

We should laugh before being happy for fear of dying without having laughed.

We must laugh before we are happy for fear of dying without having laughed at all.

Fear prophets and those prepared to die for the truth for as a rule they make many others die with them often before them at times instead of them.

We must laugh before we are happy for fear we die before we laugh at all.

The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That's the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision turn off all your fears and go ahead!

Hate is the consequence of fear we fear something before we hate it a child who fears noises becomes a man who hates noise.