Search For appointment In Quotes 74

Our heavenly Father understands our disappointment suffering pain fear and doubt. He is always there to encourage our hearts and help us understand that He's sufficient for all of our needs. When I accepted this as an absolute truth in my life I found that my worrying stopped.

I'm not in the business of becoming famous. And that's the advice I give to younger aspiring actors. Work onstage and do the little roles. In the end it's not important to be seen. It's important to do. There's a lot of disappointment in this business but my family keeps me grounded.

My failure during the first five or six years of my art training to get set in the right direction and the disappointment which it caused me drove me the more persistently into writing as an alternative.

I'd like to see much more understanding of emotional issues around hurt abandonment disappointment longing failure and shame where they stem from and how they drive people and policies brought into public discourse.

I have never described the time I was in Doctor Who as anything except a kind of ecstatic success but all the rest has been rather a muddle and a disappointment. Compared to Doctor Who it has been an outrageous failure really - it's so boring.

Los Angeles was an impression of failure of disappointment of despair and of oddly makeshift lives. This is California? I thought.

While it is important for people to see your promise you must also remember that hope is the keeper of both happiness and disappointment the father of both progress and failure.

There's always failure. And there's always disappointment. And there's always loss. But the secret is learning from the loss and realizing that none of those holes are vacuums.

My career was full of struggles and dreams disappointments and peaks and valleys. But there was no Twitter no Facebook or TMZ. Young actors could make mistakes and not become the focus of tabloids.

Death and life have their determined appointments riches and honors depend upon heaven.

I can't even explain to you how terrible that feels that I equate dating a woman with punishment shame guilt disappointment reproach reprimand persecution. It's a nightmare.

My dad never told me that when you audition you might not get the role. He wanted to wait until my first disappointment to tell me.

A father's disappointment can be a very powerful tool.

If we bring not the good courage of minds covetous of truth and truth only prepared to hear all things and decide upon all things according to evidence we should do more wisely to sit down contented in ignorance than to bestir ourselves only to reap disappointment.

The principles of living greatly include the capacity to face trouble with courage disappointment with cheerfulness and trial with humility.

I am invariably late for appointments - sometimes as much as two hours. I've tried to change my ways but the things that make me late are too strong and too pleasing.

Obviously the first sentiment is disappointment that we didn't get the car home and more disappointment that at the time that it stopped the car was in the lead.

For many my behavior has been a major disappointment my behavior has caused considerable worry to my business partners and everyone involved in my business but most importantly to the young people we influence I apologize.

Since graduation I have measured time in 4-by-5-inch pieces of paper four days on the left and three on the right. Every social engagement interview reading flight doctor's appointment birthday and dry-cleaning reminder has been handwritten between metal loops.

Our best successes often come after our greatest disappointments.

I have to hit the gym. I have beauty appointments. I have to work toward my next job and maintaining my image just like an athlete.

The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity and with clarity comes conviction and true originality.

It is cruel you know that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature and everlasting beauty of monotony.

There are people still in the Republican Party that I believe practice the communication of anger of disappointment of regret of pain of sorrow of suffering. That's not what the American people want to hear.