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One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.

I did a shoot for 'Sports Illustrated ' and my grandpa called me and asked when my issue of 'Playboy' was coming out. It was hilarious as well as embarrassing.

I come from a background of hanging out with friends and shooting videos with them with funny stuff coming out of the group. I guess we got the same charge jocks get out of sports.

Sports is a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and achieving against great odds. Athletes in times of difficulty can be important role models.

I was showing early symptoms of becoming a professional baseball man. I was lying to the press.

If I weren't earning $3 million a year to dunk a basketball most people on the street would run in the other direction if they saw me coming.

As far as a truly radical conscience you have to take it as part of a larger thing that it was sort of historical inevitability that with the coming of a leaguer society people would start to use drugs a lot more then they had before.

One of the things I keep coming back to in my writing is that society doesn't work on this mirror principle you don't have an exact replica on the left of what you have on the right. It just doesn't work that way.

The coolest part about seeing a girl wear something comfortable is the smile that you can just feel coming through from inside her.

When I came into office people said 'Billionaire? How do they live? What do they eat? How do they sleep?' Today they see me on the subway coming uptown. A couple of people say hi some people smile and nod. Some people just sleep. It's not an issue.

Since coming to Congress I have been advocating for increased resources for research in the physical sciences and for the Department of Energy Office of Science in particular.

Science fiction is becoming more of a diverse kind of genre.

The main purpose of science is simplicity and as we understand more things everything is becoming simpler.

Everything is becoming science fiction. From the margins of an almost invisible literature has sprung the intact reality of the 20th century.

Science is fun. Science is curiosity. We all have natural curiosity. Science is a process of investigating. It's posing questions and coming up with a method. It's delving in.

English is necessary as at present original works of science are in English. I believe that in two decades times original works of science will start coming out in our languages. Then we can move over like the Japanese.

I like to express certain things that happen in my life the joy of spring the birds singing and young babies coming into the world. You know the whole thing as well as the part I'm not happy with the sad part.

I'm terribly sad about Farrah's passing. She was incredibly brave and God will be welcoming her with open arms.

I feel quite sad for the young musicians coming up because they may never get to pay their rent properly. It doesn't matter what the genre nowadays it's so much harder than it ever was.

If I get the forty additional years statisticians say are likely coming to me I could fit in at least one maybe two new lifetimes. Sad that only one of those lifetimes can include being the mother of young children.

It's sad something coming to an end. It cracks you open in a way - cracks you open to feeling.

I heard this music coming out of the radio and it was 'Ain't Nobody's Business.' It got me. I thought 'I can do this.' I decided just like that. No romantic story.

'I Am Number Four' is an action-packed adventure entwined with a romantic story. I play the role of John Smith. John wants to be a normal kid but he is from a different planet and he has been given this destiny of becoming a warrior.

I have women coming up to me and saying: 'I love your character! She's so empowered. She takes control she gets what she wants.' That's another side of her. And I respect that in Joan. She says and does things that I would never allow myself to do.