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All the lessons of history in four sentences: Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad with power. The mills of God grind slowly but they grind exceedingly small. The bee fertilizes the flower it robs. When it is dark enough you can see the stars.

Search For connection In Quotes 98

There's something dangerous about what's funny. Jarring and disconcerting. There is a connection between funny and scary.

Meg Ryan is a beautiful and courageous woman. I grieve the loss of her companionship but I've not lost the friendship. We talk all the time and that was what our connection was about. She has a wonderful mind and we just like a chat.

I think there's some connection between absolute discipline and absolute freedom.

Understanding where your food comes from trying to bolster local farmers and local economies and having a better connection to the food around you and the people around you only good can come of that. I love to be involved with things like that.

I'm nutty for nutrition. I've become one of those people who can't stop talking about the connection between food and health. Now that I know how much changing what you eat can transform your life I can't stop proselytizing.

Absolutely there is a connection between food and love. I always say when there's love in my heart or I'm feeling particularly good the food comes out that much better. And so I think Valentine's Day is a special day.

There's so much importance in honoring your everyday hero. It doesn't take money. It doesn't take connections. What matters is that people get involved. Whether your passion is gun control or food or whatever it may be everybody needs to stop being so self-absorbed.

There's a connection between the advances that are made in technology and the sense of primitive fear people develop in response to it.

The clan is nothing more than a larger family with its patriarchal chief as the natural head and the union of several clans by intermarriage and voluntary connection constitutes the tribe.

I don't have anything against my mom but my family has no emotional connection to each other.

If I'm diagnosed with cancer I might become despondent but someone young might not and they might need connections with somebody outside their circle of family because their family is so despondent.

I grew up in a family of strong women and I owe any capacity I have to understand women to my mother and big sister. They taught me to respect women in a way where I've always felt a strong emotional connection to women which has also helped me in the way I approach my work as an actor.

Cherish your human connections: your relationships with friends and family.

Cherish your human connections - your relationships with friends and family.

In this connection faith and experience teach us many truths by means of the short-cut of authority and by the proofs of very pleasant and agreeable feelings.

If then faith widens the connections it elevates the man.

Anyone who really studies Catholicism deeply is aware of the mystical nature of our faith. Even references to Christ's mystical body has connections to that principle.

Between understanding and faith immediate connections must subsist.

In the different voice of women lies the truth of an ethic of care the tie between relationship and responsibility and the origins of aggression in the failure of connection.

I think newspapers shouldn't try to compete directly with the Web and should do what they can do better which may be long-form journalism and using photos and art and making connections with large-form graphics and really enhancing the tactile experience of paper.

Performing is a profound experience at least for me. It's not as if I sit down and play 'Fire and Rain' by myself just to hear it again. But to offer it up... the energy that it somehow summons live takes me right back and I do get a reconnection to the emotions.

Enthusiasm - a distemper of youth curable by small doses of repentance in connection with outward applications of experience.

The more connections you and your lover make not just between your bodies but between your minds your hearts and your souls the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship and the more real moments you will experience together.

The goal of the EU is to form a region of freedom security and justice. Freedom in this connection cannot be just the freedom of the strong but it must be combined with fraternity and equality.