Search For definite In Quotes 204

I definitely think anything I'd be in now is a permanent relationship.

I like to write sad songs. They're much easier to write and you get a lot more emotion into them. But people don't want to hear them as much. And radio definitely doesn't they want that positive uptempo thing.

Sometimes I wonder if we shall ever grow up in our politics and say definite things which mean something or whether we shall always go on using generalities to which everyone can subscribe and which mean very little.

Well I write a lot of poetry - that's where it usually all starts. I definitely want to show you guys sides of me - love loss heartbreak - all of that good stuff!

I definitely wish to distinguish American poetry from British or other English language poetry.

If epic poetry is a definite species the sagas do not fall within it.

I have a neuroscience background - that's what my doctorate is in - and I was trained to study hormones of attachment so I definitely feel my parenting is informed by that.

I'm definitely a Polaroid camera girl. For me what I'm really excited about is bringing back the artistry and the nature of Polaroid.

People in cities may forget the soil for as long as a hundred years but Mother Nature's memory is long and she will not let them forget indefinitely.

Mike Patton is a genius... It is definitely the hardest music I've ever played.

I sure saw a lot of kids that I'm sure didn't know a lot about us or we were definitely new to them. The kids who came up to me afterward we'd talk about music sign a lot of autographs. So I'm sure we made a lot of new fans.

No matter how many times people say it - 'Oh I'm just writing this for myself' 'Oh I'm just doing this for myself' - nobody's doing it for themselves! You're doing it for an audience. So whether I'm performing or writing a book or playing music it's definitely to be put out there and to be received in some way definitely.

I think the drummer should sit back there and play some drums and never mind about the tunes. Just get up there and wail behind whoever is sitting up there playing the solo. And this is what is lacking definitely lacking in music today.

I grew up in L.A. and I don't think I've seen L.A. onscreen in a way that felt real to me. There are definitely movies but they are few and far between.

No 'F/X 2' was a job. I enjoyed doing it but that was definitely a job. I wrote that I didn't direct it but 'Candyman' and the earlier horror movies I made I was completely into horror and suspense and always have been. It's informed everything I've done even the way scenes are shot in 'Kinsey and 'Gods and Monsters.'

I've never been interested in action movies. Definitely not interested in sci-fi.

There's definitely a large fan base for the 'Twilight' and 'Harry Potter' movies that need their next fix.

I definitely have found a balance. I've had so many offers in the past to do different movies or different things and I always choose tournaments over it.

Well physically preparing for the role definitely and then continuing to stay physically fit throughout filming getting up 4.00 4.30 in the morning.

The worst part about pregnancy would definitely have to be my nausea. I don't know why it's just called morning sickness because morning sickness never just happened in the morning for me and it's not happening just in the morning for my sister.

I always like to start my morning with a good amount of fruit. I really like pineapple particularly because of the enzymes that it has. Sometimes I have oatmeal. But if I'm feeling like I really want to be watching my weight more then I definitely do a protein like an omelet scrambled eggs or some smoked salmon.

When I wake up at 5 in the morning is it just to jog? Definitely not I give it all of my efforts.

But it's a blessing to be so successful within a year it's the greatest feeling in the world making money and doing the things that I'm doing and I definitely trying to continue doing what I'm doing.

I definitely spend the most money on shoes partly because vintage footwear can be a little funky - in a bad way. I like to keep things pretty simple up top and then go weird with the shoes.