Search For demons In Quotes 78

I've got many close friends but there's an awful lot about friendship that is not demonstrative in my case.

Any one who wants to live in peace and freedom will be to live by toil demonstration of high levels of discipline and tolerance for one another.

The best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation.

I love doing demonstrations. I think to be a great chef you have to be a great teacher. I love doing classes with people who love food and enjoy food bringing them all around one table so to speak.

The FHA's success provides strong evidence that government can and should play a role in the nation's mortgage finance system. It also demonstrates that although government intervention in the economy during the Great Recession was messy things would have been a lot messier without it.

One of the most gratifying things I get as an artist is when people watch me do these different demonstrations and they in some way feel empowered by what I'm doing so they can confront their own fears. Maybe it's the fear of getting in an elevator maybe it's the fear of going on a plane and seeing the world.

The Cuban people still live in constant fear of a brutal totalitarian regime that has demonstrated time and again its utter disregard for basic human dignity. The fight for a free Cuba has gone on for far too long.

Science has sometimes been said to be opposed to faith and inconsistent with it. But all science in fact rests on a basis of faith for it assumes the permanence and uniformity of natural laws - a thing which can never be demonstrated.

We have actually experienced in recent months a dramatic demonstration of an unprecedented intelligence failure perhaps the most significant intelligence failure in the history of the United States.

Some of the reasons John McCain lost in 2008 were his lackluster campaign his refusal to showcase Obama's extreme liberalism and thus his failure to demonstrate why he would make a better president than Obama.

The simple act of saying 'thank you' is a demonstration of gratitude in response to an experience that was meaningful to a customer or citizen.

The new spirituality is that it will produce an experience in human encounters in which we become a living demonstration of the basic spiritual teaching 'We are all one.'

The historical experience of socialist countries has sadly demonstrated that collectivism does not do away with alienation but rather increases it adding to it a lack of basic necessities and economic inefficiency.

Sinn Fein has demonstrated the ability to play a leadership role as part of a popular movement towards peace equality and justice.

My entry into the environmental arena was through the issue that so dramatically - and destructively - demonstrates the link between science and social action: nuclear weapons.

Research shows that children do better in school and are less likely to drop out when fathers are involved. Engaged parents can strengthen communities mentor and tutor students and demonstrate through their actions how much they value their children's education.

When they favor the access of other people to education and health care the countries of the North not only demonstrate generosity or solidarity but also implement the principles of respecting and promoting human rights.

Scientific research and other studies have demonstrated that arts education can enhance American students' math and language skills and improve test scores which in turn increase chances of higher education and good jobs in the future.

Each has its lesson for our dreams in sooth come they in shape of demons gods or elves are allegories with deep hearts of truth that tell us solemn secrets of ourselves.

I published in 1978 a report on dreams in the Journal of Clinical Psychology. It was the first study of its kind to demonstrate that it is possible for people to make constructive use of their dreams to improve their lives.

Clearly programming courses should teach methods of design and construction and the selected examples should be such that a gradual development can be nicely demonstrated.

Consciousness after death demonstrates the possibility of consciousness operating independently of the body.

My dad's a doctor and when I was 8 I went to one of his medical conferences where they were demonstrating laser surgery on a chicken. I was so mad that a chicken had to die I never ate meat again.

Sep-11 2001 revealed heroism in ordinary people who might have gone through their lives never called upon to demonstrate the extent of their courage.