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I think we need to ask serious questions about how we engage militarily when we engage militarily and on what basis we engage militarily. What kind of intelligence do we have to justify a military engagement?

Successful organizations including the Military have learned that the higher the risk the more necessary it is to engage everyone's commitment and intelligence.

In these troubled uncertain times we don't need more command and control we need better means to engage everyone's intelligence in solving challenges and crises as they arise.

If you don't pay attention and if your imagination isn't pretty much engaged you're going to miss things and you're going to miss opportunities for it to be as compelling and as creepy as it can be.

The worlds I paint leave a lot to engage the imagination by hinting at what lies beyond the four edges of the painting. I think getting beyond the four edges of an opportunity or challenge is one of the basic skills you need in business.

Reading a hard copy book and reading a book on an iPad are slightly different experiences. What they both have in common though is that you must engage your imagination in the process.

You don't know what someone's going to walk away from a movie with but you hope it's something positive but if nothing you want them most basically to be entertained and engaged. That's your job. But you also hope to give them something to chew on or maybe some insight into the human existence you hope a little bit. Not to sound too lofty.

In motivating people you've got to engage their minds and their hearts. I motivate people I hope by example - and perhaps by excitement by having productive ideas to make others feel involved.

It's a sad day when the leaders of the free world engage in such deception and trickery. I voted against this unnecessary war and will continue to argue that the best way to support our troops is to bring them home.

Life doesn't just happen it's constructed through the history of power. And that's something I am interested in and so is the art world: a world that's trying to engage socially with a leftist slant to work out how we got here.

After Nixon resigned in 1974 he engaged in a very aggressive war with history attempting to wipe out the Watergate stain and memory. Happily history won largely because of Nixon's tapes.

The Supreme Court has never ruled that Congress can use the Commerce Clause to require individuals to engage in an activity they have chosen to avoid. Yet that is precisely what Obamacare does: It forces Americans without health insurance to purchase coverage. Such a requirement is unprecedented and unconstitutional.

In societies where mature workers are respected and where their wisdom is respected everybody benefits. Workers are more engaged and productive. Their health is better. They live longer.

All people desire what they believe will make them happy. If a person is not full of desire for God we can only conclude that he is engaged with another happiness.

History tells us that America does best when the private sector is energetic and entrepreneurial and the government is attentive and engaged. Who among us really would looking back wish to edit out either sphere at the entire expense of the other?

We are all representatives of the American people. We all do town hall meetings. We all talk to our constituents. And I've got to tell you the American people are engaged. And if you think they want a government takeover of health care I would respectfully submit you're not listening to them.

A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer and thus emerge stronger. You don't have that idea when you are arrogant superficial and uninformed.

We are all afraid for our confidence for the future for the world. That is the nature of the human imagination. Yet every man every civilization has gone forward because of its engagement with what it has set itself to do.

A globalized world is by now a familiar fact of life. Building walls or moats may sound appealing but the future belongs to those who tend to their people and then boldly engage the rest of the world near and far.

I tend to play characters that I can infuse with certain kinds of humour. Even the baddest guy can be funny in his own particular way. I want the audience to engage with the character on some deeper level so that they leave the cinema still thinking about him.

Few things tend more to alienate friendship than a want of punctuality in our engagements. I have known the breach of a promise to dine or sup to break up more than one intimacy.

Widespread state control over art and culture has left no room for freedom of expression in the country. For more than 60 years anyone with a dissenting opinion has been suppressed. Chinese art is merely a product: it avoids any meaningful engagement. There is no larger context. Its only purpose is to charm viewers with its ambiguity.

People should have freedom in their pilgrimages and tours. They should come and visit historical monuments and sites - let's say the sites around Iran - where they can easily engage in wide- scale contacts with others.

For in the end freedom is a personal and lonely battle and one faces down fears of today so that those of tomorrow might be engaged.