Search For finished In Quotes 72

I often talk with other actors about that time when you've just finished a job because I think you do take on the characteristics of some of the characters you play. Sometimes it can be a great thing and sometimes it's a bit haunting because you're not quite sure how to leave it on set. My dad talks about it as being 'de-personalised.'

I have never been jealous. Not even when my dad finished fifth grade a year before I did.

I'm getting a lot of stick because my character in 'Young Dracula' wanted to be vampire so now that I am a vampire everyone's like 'You finally did it!' But it's cool and I loved doing 'Young Dracula.' That show's finished and I don't know why it ended so it was brilliant to go into 'Being Human ' which is like the adult version of it.

Since change is constant you wonder if people crave death because it's the only way they can get anything really finished.

I wanted to be a mechanic. When I was 14 I wanted to quit school and go work on my car. But my dad said Son you shouldn't do that. You should stay in school until your education is finished and when you're done don't make your hobby your job.

Life... is not simply a series of exciting new ventures. The future is not always a whole new ball game. There tends to be unfinished business. One trails all sorts of things around with one things that simply won't be got rid of.

In this business if you don't pay your debts you're finished.

I believe that the rights of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century.

I am not a perfect servant. I am a public servant doing my best against the odds. As I develop and serve be patient. God is not finished with me yet.

I've just finished reading a book about the brilliant Margaret Rutherford. She wasn't a beauty but inside she was absolutely blazing and passionate about her work. She's one of those life-affirming characters.

But when the work was finished the Craftsman kept wishing that there were someone to ponder the plan of so great a work to love its beauty and to wonder at its vastness.

The beauty of having a producer is that you have someone who says You're finished.

When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty but when I have finished if the solution is not beautiful I know it is wrong.

Religion is essentially the art and the theory of the remaking of man. Man is not a finished creation.

Art is never finished only abandoned.

A painting that is well composed is half finished.

Every other artist begins with a blank canvas a piece of paper the photographer begins with the finished product.

The architecture of our future is not only unfinished the scaffolding has hardly gone up.

Painting sculpture and architecture are finished but the art habit continues.

Generalised anger and frustration is something that gets you in the studio and gets you to work - though it's not necessarily evident in anything that's finished.

I had this really great amazing thing happen where I almost finished the book and I really needed to come up with an ending and I decided to go back and re-read the book and see if I could come up with an ending.

After I finished high school I went to Hong Kong and Thailand and spent some time there. Just to get that whole experience of being out of the bubble that I was in from high school in Vancouver to be able to travel around and be on your own was an amazing experience.

At that time I had recently finished a book called Amazing Grace which many people tell me is a very painful book to read. Well if it was painful to read it was also painful to write. I had pains in my chest for two years while I was writing that book.

Old age is far more than white hair wrinkles the feeling that it is too late and the game finished that the stage belongs to the rising generations. The true evil is not the weakening of the body but the indifference of the soul.