Search For guilt In Quotes 86

Any government that supports protects or harbours terrorists is complicit in the murder of the innocent and equally guilty of terrorist crimes.

There's no regret. You can't regret. I mean I've felt regret but I've also refused to allow regret to sow a seed and live in me because I don't believe it. You feel it it's like guilt it's like jealousy it's like all those horrible things. You've just got to snip them and get them out because they're no good.

In all secrets there is a kind of guilt however beautiful or joyful they may be or for what good end they may be set to serve. Secrecy means evasion and evasion means a problem to the moral mind.

Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.

The end of the trial and the 'not guilty' verdicts on all counts clearing Michael of all charges mean that he can now concentrate on the future and his art.

Guilt: the gift that keeps on giving.

I did a lot of things that I regretted and I certainly paid for my mistakes. You have to go and ask for forgiveness and it wasn't until I really started doing good and doing right by other people as well as myself that I really started to feel that guilt go away. So I don't have a problem going to sleep at night.

If only I wasn't an atheist I could get away with anything. You'd just ask for forgiveness and then you'd be forgiven. It sounds much better than having to live with guilt.

I don't categorize food as bad or a guilty pleasure.

If I agree to dispose of any part of our land to the white people I would feel guilty of taking food away from our children's mouths and I do not wish to be that mean.

Food love career and mothers the four major guilt groups.

Fear is the tax that conscience pays to guilt.

No work or love will flourish out of guilt fear or hollowness of heart just as no valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now.

Sometimes you can't prioritise family and you feel guilty.

We all wish we could be in more than one place at the same time. People with families feel guilty all the time-if we spend too much time with our family we feel we're not working hard enough.

My kids say if there's any family dinner that doesn't result in somebody crying it's not a good dinner. They cry because it helps relieve them of a guilt or some onerous emotional burden. It's like a family tradition.

I refuse to feel guilty. I feel guilty about too much in my life but not about money. I went through periods when I had nothing so somebody in my family has to get stinkin' wealthy.

I am tortured when I am away from my family from my children. I am horribly guilt-ridden.

Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defect of faith but they are afflictions not sins. Like all afflictions they are if we can so take them our share in the passion of Christ.

Failure in the theater is more dramatic and uglier than any other form of writing. It costs so much you feel so guilty.

That's what noir feels like to me. It feels like some kind of recurring dream with very strong archetypes operating. You know the guilty girl being pursued falling all kinds of stuff that we see in our dreams all the time.

He who is obsessed by death is made guilty by it.

More than 100 people have been sent to death row who were later exonerated because they weren't guilty or fairly tried. Most criminal defendants do not get adequate representation because there are not enough public defenders to represent them. There is a lot that is wrong.

O Death rock me asleep bring me to quiet rest let pass my weary guiltless ghost out of my careful breast.