Search For motivation In Quotes 61

It's a complex relationship when your dad happened to be president and you are president and then you have all the amateur psychology that goes on when people try to speculate about motivations.

I think sometimes I guess you see records say you want to get there and use that as motivation. In a way it's kind of cool if there is a possibility to rewrite history and be up there with the greats of Olympic history.

I think change is possible but only for individuals who were never truly gay in the first place and who have a strong personal motivation to recover their heterosexuality.

I like to put on hardcore when I have to clean my apartment which I hate to do but it's motivational. I like old heavy metal when I'm outside working on my car. Music has definite functions for me.

No matter how good you are at planning the pressure never goes away. So I don't fight it. I feed off it. I turn pressure into motivation to do my best.

There's always the motivation of wanting to win. Everybody has that. But a champion needs in his attitude a motivation above and beyond winning.

Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.

That's the motivation of an artist - to seek attention of some kind.

Everybody kind of perceives me as being angry. It's not anger it's motivation.

I don't think immortality is necessarily the key to understanding the world. You have to be careful with what you think you're achieving. I'm all for science discovering amazing and fantastic things about our world but I think the motivations behind it are slightly askew.

I got fitter when I did 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.' I wore a loincloth - that's a lot of motivation!

Perhaps the best motivation for going to Mars is political. It is obvious that no single nation currently has either the will or the resources to do it alone but a consortium of nations and space agencies could achieve it within 20 years.