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Often we are quick to find blame with others but yet are unable to give constructive responses. There seems to be a tendency to doubt almost everything. Do we not have faith in our own people's strengths and in our institutions? Can we afford distrust amongst ourselves?

Search For passions In Quotes 69

From their experience or from the recorded experience of others (history) men learn only what their passions and their metaphysical prejudices allow them to learn.

Politics should share one purpose with religion: the steady emancipation of the individual through the education of his passions.

We are people with all the hopes dreams passions and faults of everyone else. Eighty percent of us are born into families with no history of dwarfism.

You'll be much more successful if you follow your dreams and follow your passions.

Love is the most terrible and also the most generous of the passions it is the only one which includes in its dreams the happiness of someone else.

We must not let our passions destroy our dreams.

I envy people with dreams and passions but I don't think that way. I still don't have a 'bliss' to follow. For people like me - I suspect that's most people - holding out for a 'dream' or a 'passion' is paralyzing. I just like having work I enjoy that feels meaningful. That's hard enough... but it's enough.

The design of Rhetoric is to remove those Prejudices that lie in the way of Truth to Reduce the Passions to the Government of Reasons to place our Subject in a Right Light and excite our Hearers to a due consideration of it.

I now bid farewell to the country of my birth - of my passions - of my death a country whose misfortunes have invoked my sympathies - whose factions I sought to quell - whose intelligence I prompted to a lofty aim - whose freedom has been my fatal dream.

The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect between life and death. When literature becomes too intellectual - when it begins to ignore the passions the emotions - it becomes sterile silly and actually without substance.

Because of its tremendous solemnity death is the light in which great passions both good and bad become transparent no longer limited by outward appearences.

I think the best thing for you to do is just live your life. Live a life that's worth living one where you do what you want to do pursue your passions. That way if you meet someone they'll be joining a life that's already really good.

I thought to be feminine was to give in to straight culture or the beauty standard but in my heart I had a flair for fashion and style. They were passions I kept secret because I didn't understand I could love clothes and hair and makeup and still like girls.

He who is incapable of feeling strong passions of being shaken by anger of living in every sense of the word will never be a good actor.

Anger is the most impotent of passions. It effects nothing it goes about and hurts the one who is possessed by it more than the one against whom it is directed.

The ignorant mind with its infinite afflictions passions and evils is rooted in the three poisons. Greed anger and delusion.

But the wicked passions of men's hearts alone seem strong enough to leave pictures that persist the good are ever too luke-warm.

The private interest of the individual would not be sufficiently provided for by reasonable and cool self-love alone therefore the appetites and passions are placed within as a guard and further security without which it would not be taken due care of.

Staid middle age loves the hurricane passions of opera.

The passions grafted on wounded pride are the most inveterate they are green and vigorous in old age.

Probably the happiest period in life most frequently is in middle age when the eager passions of youth are cooled and the infirmities of age not yet begun as we see that the shadows which are at morning and evening so large almost entirely disappear at midday.