Search For perception In Quotes 71

I think it's useful as a famous person to have as little separation between the perception of you and how you really are - because otherwise I'd be sitting here thinking I'm keeping secrets and wondering when you're going to find out.

A famous person to themselves they don't get up in the morning and think I'm famous. I'm not famous to me. Famous is a perception.

Because our entire universe is made up of consciousness we never really experience the universe directly we just experience our consciousness of the universe our perception of it so right our only universe is perception.

I have no control over people's perceptions of me at all and that's one of the things I decided very early on is that I can't control the way other people think of me. All I can do especially when it comes to my career is go out there and do cool unique kinds of things.

I'm constantly pitching one episode where we see life through Castle's eyes. I think Castle's just a little off as far as his perception goes. A very very clever man but I want to see the world as Castle sees it - kind of a rose-colored glasses all the women find him irresistible all the guys find him super cool and do whatever he says.

I am surprised by how not-adopted the video reply has been. What keeps other people from doing it I think is that they think a video comes across as 'I'm cool look at how many e-mails I get.' That perception doesn't scare me because I know who I am.

Well my wife always says to me and I think it's true it's very difficult for us to understand the Elizabethan understanding and enjoyment and perception of form as it is to say... it would be for them to understand computers or going to the moon or something.

Everyone has this perception that the bloggers they say horrible things about you and they hide behind their computers where you can't see them.

So I think it's - what was important to me is that I found that I can't change the fact that people already have made an opinion about me. But I don't think that should stop me from trying to correct some of the misperceptions that are out there.

I didn't think that college math was for me. I didn't think I'd be able to hack it. And that perception of math not being for girls not being for girls who see themselves as socially well adjusted has got to change.

I have to struggle to change people's perceptions of me. I grew very frustrated with the perception that I'm this shy retiring inhibited aristocratic creature when I'm absolutely not like that at all. I think I'm much more outgoing and exuberant than my image.

Logic will never change emotion or perception.

Studies have shown that 90% of error in thinking is due to error in perception. If you can change your perception you can change your emotion and this can lead to new ideas.

Miracles happen everyday change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see them all around you.

Every beauty which is seen here by persons of perception resembles more than anything else that celestial source from which we all are come.

The human mind is capable of excitement without the application of gross and violent stimulants and he must have a very faint perception of its beauty and dignity who does not know this.

Beauty is about perception not about make-up. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't put on make-up or dress yourself or do you hair with any sort of fun or joy if you're doing it from a position of correction.

The perception of beauty is a moral test.

A primary function of art and thought is to liberate the individual from the tyranny of his culture in the environmental sense and to permit him to stand beyond it in an autonomy of perception and judgment.

It is the function of art to renew our perception. What we are familiar with we cease to see. The writer shakes up the familiar scene and as if by magic we see a new meaning in it.

I'm not angry I'm not an angry person but I do sometimes like playing with the perception of anger as in pretending that I'm more angry than I actually am and sometimes it works quite well.

The young people have MTV and rock and roll. Why would they go to read poetry? Poetry belongs to the Stone Age. It awakens in us perceptions that go back to those times.

I definitely don't look my age. So I actively look for roles that will help people change their perception of me.