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I would love to have dinner with Jay-Z and Beyonce. I think we would have a lot to chat about. I like them both so much and I love them as a couple. I like that they are both at the top of their game - and that they have a mutual respect and admiration for each other.

Search For plant In Quotes 140

I would rather drudge out my life on a cotton plantation till the grave opened to give me rest than to live with an unprincipled master and a jealous mistress.

I think there's a supreme power behind the whole thing an intelligence. Look at all of the instincts of nature both animals and plants the very ingenious ways they survive. If you cut yourself you don't have to think about it.

Plant thy foot firmly in the prints which His foot has made before thee.

The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's smile at someone and receive a smile in return are to me continual spiritual exercises.

Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul.

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces I would still plant my apple tree.

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

I doubt that the imagination can be suppressed. If you truly eradicated it in a child he would grow up to be an eggplant.

A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the hope of greening the landscape of idea.

Love is a springtime plant that perfumes everything with its hope even the ruins to which it clings.

The physician can bury his mistakes but the architect can only advise his client to plant vines - so they should go as far as possible from home to build their first buildings.

As an integral part of the Department of Agriculture the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service monitors our Nation's agriculture to protect against agricultural pests and diseases.

The consuming desire of most human beings is deliberately to plant their whole life in the hands of some other person. I would describe this method of searching for happiness as immature. Development of character consists solely in moving toward self-sufficiency.

The planter the farmer the mechanic and the laborer... form the great body of the people of the United States they are the bone and sinew of the country men who love liberty and desire nothing but equal rights and equal laws.

The only thing that ultimately matters is to eat an ice-cream cone play a slide trombone plant a small tree good God now you're free.

God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform. He plants his footsteps in the sea and rides upon the storm.

God sleeps in the minerals awakens in plants walks in animals and thinks in man.

God is an unutterable sigh planted in the depths of the soul.

I put quite a few trees in last autumn. A lot of silver birch and a couple of native trees - just generally doing gardening putting plants in and hedges in. It takes quite a lot of time and I love it.

I am sure that if you plant the trees back again it will do nothing but good.

I loved to get all dusty and ride horses and plant potatoes and cotton.

If you build up the soil with organic material the plants will do just fine.

Working with plants trees fences and walls if they practice sincerely they will attain enlightenment.

If a tree dies plant another in its place.