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This is the beauty of the Qur'an: it asks you to reflect and reason and not to worship the sun or moon but the One who has created everything. The Qur'an asks man to reflect upon the sun and moon and God's creation in general.

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I look at my people and I look at those who control them - the political elite. And the sad thing is that the elites are just not interested in the welfare of the people.

I am very proud to come back to speak on the disinterested effort we have made and I believe that with all due respect that the decisions we made when we turned our final report over to President Johnson will stand in history.

In high school we studied a lot of poetical forms. I was really interested in the math that was involved and the strange live break ups. That gave me a great amount of respect for a rhymed stanza.

How have relations with Iran and Belarus benefited Venezuela? We are interested in countries that have democracies that respect human rights that we have an affinity with. What affinity do we have with Iran?

After reading Eminem's autobiography which I did because I'm so interested in him as an artist I respect him a lot. Even though he seems angry and mad he's had to fight so many demons in his life.

I don't practise any religion but I am deeply interested in the answers that mankind has come up with to explain the human situation.

You can't write about the past and ignore religion. It was such a fundamental mind-shaping driving force for pre-modern societies. I'm very interested in what religion does to us - its capacity to create love and empathy or hatred and violence.

I'm not a religious person and I'm not too interested in being a part of a religion but I do like having some sort of communal gathering and having some sense of peoples.

I am not interested in the afterlife. Religion is supposed to be about losing your ego not preserving it eternally in optimum conditions.

I'm interested in the kind of religion that makes life harder. I'm not so interested in the comforting kind of religion.

I'm very interested in religion as something to study but I'm not a religious person in the slightest.

We feel unsatisfied until we know ourselves akin even with that greatness which made the spots on which it rested hallowed and until by our own lives and by converse with the thoughts they have bequeathed us we feel that union and relationship of the spirit which we seek.

Your relationship with an agent has got to be mutually beneficial. If you can't help their careers then they're not going to be interested.

I don't know really. I've always been interested in the small picture instead of the big one and I've always been interested in relationship pictures.

I'm interested in having a relationship with the world that's not my own.

I've always been interested in the relationship between total external surround culture the political matrix technology etc. and the internal human consciousness.

I'm interested in spirituality and in religion and our relationship to the divine.

It's one thing to have a relationship to lay your hands on it and another to make it continue and last. That's something I haven't talked about much in my comic strips and it's certainly something I'm interested in.

Women tell me they are different since 21 May - the day I was arrested - it's a positive change they believe now.

I've received a lot of positive feedback from both the secular and Christian markets. People seem to be receiving it with open arms and hearts and are interested in the stories I want to share about my relationship with God and my faith.

I'm interested in current affairs and social policy as a whole but I don't watch politics for sport.

I am interested in politics.

No one wants to hear my perspective on politics but I think honestly as you get older you get more interested in it.

People not just reporters are more interested in politics than in government so the actual issues wouldn't be something that interested them.