Search For spite In Quotes 114

Let me tell you never before in the history of this planet has anybody made the progress that African-Americans have made in a 30-year period in spite of many black folks and white folks lying to one another.

Governments that use violence to stop democratic development will not earn themselves respite forever. They will pay an increasingly high price for actions which they can no longer hide from the world with ease and will find themselves on the wrong side of history.

Legend remains victorious in spite of history.

I think people should know more of Africa in terms of its joie de vivre its feeling for life. In spite of the images that one knows about Africa - the economic poverty the corruption - there's a joy to living and a happiness in community living together in community life which may be missing here in America.

The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved loved for ourselves or rather in spite of ourselves.

The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved loved for ourselves or rather loved in spite of ourselves.

In spite of everything I shall rise again: I will take up my pencil which I have forsaken in my great discouragement and I will go on with my drawing.

The boy who is going to make a great man must not make up his mind merely to overcome a thousand obstacles but to win in spite of a thousand repulses and defeats.

The great question that has never been answered and which I have not yet been able to answer despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul is 'What does a woman want?'

It is through states that the American people get the job done every day often in spite of a deeply flawed bureaucratic federal government.

My actions constituted pure hacking that resulted in relatively trivial expenses for the companies involved despite the government's false claims.

Things in our country run in spite of government not by aid of it.

I keep my ideals because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.

Our creator is the same and never changes despite the names given Him by people here and in all parts of the world. Even if we gave Him no name at all He would still be there within us waiting to give us good on this earth.

It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.

Despite everything I believe that people are really good at heart.

The Republican argument that raising the debt ceiling encourages additional future spending is logically irresponsible. The debt ceiling has to be raised to authorize spending already approved by Congress. Despite that fallacy the GOP has been able to score political points with its argument.

I love life in spite of all that mars it. I love friendship jokes and laughter.

The humor is essentially dark for a cartoon and sophisticated. But at the same time being a cartoon gives the writers more freedom than in a normal sitcom. It always pushes the line that despite human failings the Simpsons are really decent people.

We hold our heads high despite the price we have paid because freedom is priceless.

Fortunately somewhere between chance and mystery lies imagination the only thing that protects our freedom despite the fact that people keep trying to reduce it or kill it off altogether.

Yet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry.

The agony of my feelings allowed me no respite no incident occurred from which my rage and misery could not extract its food.

When we are afraid we ought not to occupy ourselves with endeavoring to prove that there is no danger but in strengthening ourselves to go on in spite of the danger.