Search For education In Quotes 1059

Music - that's been my education. There's not a day that goes by that I take it for granted.

Let woman out of the home let man into it should be the aim of education. The home needs man and the world outside needs woman.

Religion is not only a part of education an element of humanity but the center of everything else always the first and the ultimate the absolutely original.

Versatility of education can be found in our best poetry but the depth of mankind should be found in the philosopher.

All claims of education notwithstanding the pupil will accept only that which his mind craves.

I've never been a big believer in formal education.

Since my education I've done quite untraditional things. There are very few Etonians who went to Rada. And far fewer Etonians - certainly when I was there - went to Cambridge. I don't know whether it's the same now. Most people I knew went to Oxford because it seemed more of an easy bridge.

For all my education accomplishments and so called 'wisdom'... I can't fathom my own heart.

True education is concerned not only with practical goals but also with values. Our aims assure us of our material life our values make possible our spiritual life.

In the government schools which are referred to as public schools Indian policy has been instituted there and its a policy where they do not encourage in fact discourage critical thinking and the creation of ideas and public education.

A black agenda is jobs jobs jobs quality education investment in infrastructure and strong democratic regulation of corporations. The black agenda at its best looks at America from the vantage point of the least of these and asks what's best for all.

My father is a real idealist and he's all about learning. If I asked for a pair of Nikes growing up it was just a resounding 'No.' But if I asked for a saxophone one would appear and next day and I'd be signed up for lessons. So anything to do with education or learning my father would spare no expense.

The regeneration of society is the regeneration of society by individual education.

You can't legislate good will - that comes through education.

Now that virtually every career is an option for ambitious girls it can no longer be considered regressive or reactionary to reintroduce discussion of marriage and motherhood to primary education. We certainly do not want to return to the simplistic duality of home economics classes for girls and wood shop for boys.

This is at the heart of all good education where the teacher asks students to think and engages them in encouraging dialogues constantly checking for understanding and growth.

I tell students that the opportunities I had were a result of having a good educational background. Education is what allows you to stand out.

True education is limited to those people who would die without knowing whereas the masses in the institutions are merely going through the motions for education is a way of living.

Education should prepare our minds to use its own powers of reason and conception rather than filling it with the accumulated misconceptions of the past.

Very likely education does not make very much difference.

In the new economy information education and motivation are everything.

If we have to give up either religion or education we should give up education.

It is only the ignorant who despise education.

The so-called modern education with all its defects however does others so much more good than it does the Negro because it has been worked out in conformity to the needs of those who have enslaved and oppressed weaker peoples.