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Every night half an hour before curtain up the bells of St. Malachy's the Actors' Chapel on New York's 49th Street peal the tune of 'There's No Business Like Show Business.' If you walk the streets of the theatre district before a show and see the vast enthusiastic lines it sounds like a calling: there is certainly no place like Broadway.

I'm afraid for all those who'll have the bread snatched from their mouths by these machines. What business has science and capitalism got bringing all these new inventions into the works before society has produced a generation educated up to using them!

Hackers are breaking the systems for profit. Before it was about intellectual curiosity and pursuit of knowledge and thrill and now hacking is big business.

Female rappers get it the hardest. You have to be a girl yet you have to be just as hard as the guys. I think some female rappers get scared out of the business before they can make it.

Interest in business ethics courses has surged and student activities at leading business schools are more focused than ever before on making business serve long-term social values.

I never get the accountants in before I start up a business. It's done on gut feeling especially if I can see that they are taking the mickey out of the consumer.

I traveled the state of Florida for two years campaigning. I have never met a job creator who told me that they were waiting for the next tax increase before they started growing their business. I've never met a single job creator who's ever said to me I can't wait until government raises taxes again so I can go out and create a job.

The successful man is the one who finds out what is the matter with his business before his competitors do.

I get a lot of return business. I think it's all those years I put in traveling around the country people saw me before and had a good time so they want to see me again.

I feel lazy when I'm not working. I learned all my business sense from my dad. He always believed in me and I think the last thing he said to me before he passed away was 'I know you're gonna be OK. I'm not worried about you'.

Be courageous. I have seen many depressions in business. Always America has emerged from these stronger and more prosperous. Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith! Go forward!

One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.

I was quite a shy child. I would get terribly nervous and throw up before my birthday party. And then I would be fine. I feel the same now. I get nervous then it's fine.

The day before my 16th birthday I got my guitar.

I had been offered a Hollywood contract before my 18th birthday. It gave me the spark I needed.

The best time to make friends is before you need them.

You must capture and keep the heart of the original and supremely able man before his brain can do its best.

Being a mother is the best thing that ever happened to me. Before you have your first baby you are a girl and then you become a mother. There is no transition into being a woman you literally become a mum and being a mum means you always love someone else more than yourself and it is an unexplainable situation.

Ideas are elusive slippery things. Best to keep a pad of paper and a pencil at your bedside so you can stab them during the night before they get away.

I've run the Boston Marathon 6 times before. I think the best aspects of the marathon are the beautiful changes of the scenery along the route and the warmth of the people's support. I feel happier every time I enter this marathon.

How long most people would look at the best book before they would give the price of a large turbot for it?

Do what you love to do and give it your very best. Whether it's business or baseball or the theater or any field. If you don't love what you're doing and you can't give it your best get out of it. Life is too short. You'll be an old man before you know it.

The language of excitement is at best picturesque merely. You must be calm before you can utter oracles.

I am afraid we must make the world honest before we can honestly say to our children that honesty is the best policy.