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It's the continuation of everyone's childhood to see these young children who grow up full of life full of intelligence full of a sense of wonder. And within an instant they're gone from this world. It's terrible.

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I never subscribe to the stay-at-home policy. I'm not sick of the road or sick of eating in good restaurants around the country. I like to travel.

As an actor I travel around a lot and live in a lot of hotels and many times I've been in a town where the only entertainment to be had is what you find in the hotel bar or lobby.

I'm sure we'll be Tweetin' up the Twitosphere as we travel around the world playing music.

A lot of the players are not involved with any NHL team so to play and travel around with the Oldtimers' it's a kind of gift that the players really appreciate.

As far as 'Twilight' goes I'm in love with my character. I'm in love with the whole series. I love doing the fan conventions around the world I love to travel. So wherever it fits in I'd love to continue doing that for the rest of my life. Just meeting the fans who made everything possible from around the world.

I've always traveled as a kid my parents moved me around a different place in Germany every four years. But I got the travel bug when I was a kid living in different countries.

I really enjoy what I do and who I'm with and where I am. Having said that I'm not really a person of habit because what I do in my job is travel around the world and play concerts to people and occasionally do very weird things.

When I thought I was retired I wanted to travel around the world and watch soccer games.

Besides I'm a gypsy at heart and I like to travel around.

I've got a real sense of three-dimensional geometry. I can look at a flat piece of fabric and know that if I put a slit in it and make some fabric travel around a square then when you lift it up it will drape in a certain way and I can feel how that will happen.

I think kids ought to travel. I think it's very good to carry kids around. It's good for them. Of course it's tough on the parents.

When I travel I love speaking to women around the world about the things that inspire them the fashions they like what makes something good and what would make it even better.

I travel around the world constantly promoting my projects and endorsing products. Yes I do get paid to go to parties in fact I'm the person who started the whole trend of paid appearances. But when you see me at a party I'm always working or promoting something.

The first time probably people really were aware of me I unfortunately had the title of Showtime's Funniest Person in America. And that's a really tough title to travel around with when you're not even known.

A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

Any time you think you have the game conquered the game will turn around and punch you right in the nose.

I never said I wanted to be around for a long time. I always said I wanted to be here for a good time.

I do believe sometimes discipline is very important. I'm not just lying around like a lazy cow all the time.

My father wasn't around when I was a kid and I used to always say 'Why me? Why don't I have a father? Why isn't he around? Why did he leave my mother?' But as I got older I looked deeper and thought 'I don't know what my father was going through but if he was around all the time would I be who I am today?'

People say that if you find water rising up to your ankle that's the time to do something about it not when it's around your neck.

And I think it's that time. And I think if you just step aside and Mr. Romney can kind of take over. You can maybe still use a plane. Though maybe a smaller one. Not that big gas guzzler you are going around to colleges and talking about student loans and stuff like that.

Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them.

I think there is a difference between Slate and Salon. I think we both serve important functions on the Internet. As more and more Websites disappear I'm thankful Slate is still around because it makes things less lonely.

The 'Night Train' has already been a crazy ride for me. We flew around making TV appearances and stadium announcements all over the country fueled by little more than coffee and adrenaline... so many fans jumped on board with us and I couldn't be more thankful.