Search For average In Quotes 91

Almost all the fans I meet are pretty cool people. They're intelligent and tend to think about things a bit more than your average rock'n'roll fans: sensible people I wouldn't mind having a drink with.

I am regularly asked what the average Internet user can do to ensure his security. My first answer is usually 'Nothing you're screwed'.

In one century we've added 28 years to our average life span - a change so rapid that our brains couldn't possibly have evolved to accommodate it.

Al Gore the former vice-president of the United States lives in a mansion that uses more electricity than the average family's bungalow! David Suzuki rides on a bus that uses more fuel than a Smart car to get across Canada! Oh my God! And this is just the tip of the vanishing iceberg!

On the average I don't spend more than 15 minutes in the car - to go to the golf course or the gym. And that's the only time I listen to the radio.

Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.

I was a fairly good amateur musician and I was an average professional. But the one thing I saw was that the big band business was fading.

I was a good amateur but only an average professional. I soon realized that there was a limit to how far I could rise in the music business so I left the band and enrolled at New York University.

The average bright young man who is drafted hates the whole business because an army always tries to eliminate the individual differences in men.

When I started my last business I didn't receive a paycheck for 13 months. The average person can't handle that pressure.

One cannot develop taste from what is of average quality but only from the very best.

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

Strike an average between what a woman thinks of her husband a month before she marries him and what she thinks of him a year afterward and you will have the truth about him.

The average session takes about one to two hours. It's totally amazing because when a person breathes they go through one stage of relaxation after another and every stage releases tension.

Every three days on average I am alone on stage facing the public.

Even crushed against his brother in the Tube the average Englishman pretends desperately that he is alone.

The average Nigerian person has come to reconcile himself with the fact that his or her social progress remain essentially in his or her hands in collaboration with other fellow Nigerians and not merely relying on what government alone could provide for him or her.

There are signs that the age of petroleum has passed its zenith. Adjusted for inflation a barrel of crude oil now sells for three times its long-run average. The large western oil companies which cartellised the industry for much of the 20th century are now selling more oil than they find and are thus in the throes of liquidation.

The one thing that unites all human beings regardless of age gender religion or ethnic background is that we all believe we are above-average drivers.