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I was cast in 'Thor' and I'm cast as a Nordic god. If you know anything about the Nords they don't look like me but there you go. I think that's a sign of the times for the future. I think we will see multi-level casting. I think we will see that and I think that's good.

Search For benefit In Quotes 193

The right of each individual in any relation to secure to himself the full benefits of his intelligence his capacity his industry and skill are among the inalienable inheritances of humanity.

The employer class is less indispensable in the modern organization of industries because the laboring men themselves possess sufficient intelligence to organize into co-operative relation and enjoy the entire benefits of their own labor.

There is also this benefit in brag that the speaker is unconsciously expressing his own ideal. Humor him by all means draw it all out and hold him to it.

And I would be the first to admit that probably in a lot of press conferences over the time that I have been in coaching indulging my own sense of humor at press conferences has not been greatly to my benefit.

If I were asked to name the chief benefit of the house I should say: the house shelters day-dreaming the house protects the dreamer the house allows one to dream in peace.

I wanted to make sure that this be the first scientific and technology revolution in history in which the public thoroughly discussed all the potential benefits and all the potential harms in advance of the technology coming online and running its course.

We peruse one ideal that of bringing people together in peace irrespective of race religion and political convictions for the benefit of mankind.

I've declined every congressional benefit I could decline federal health insurance the retirement program the 403(b) program which I think is overly generous. I've got self-imposed term limits of six terms if I have the privilege to serve that long.

Our government has made a number of promises to the men and women who served in our nation's armed forces. Sadly these promises of health care education and other benefits have existed more in rhetoric than in reality.

The good news is Americans know firsthand the benefits of a free market - more choices lower prices higher quality - and there is no reason why we cannot help them see these same benefits in health care.

More than five million seniors have already saved money on their prescription drugs and almost 33 million have benefited from free preventive services. The president cracked down hard on Medicare and health care fraud recovering a record-breaking $10.7 billion over the last three years protecting our seniors. That's what change looks like.

In my case I pay a standard premium to participate in the Federal Employees' Health Benefits Plan for my wife and myself out of each month's paycheck.

Col. Shaffer is prohibited by his lawyer from talking. He's at great risk. They want to take away his pay and his health care benefits so they can hold it over his head and not allow him to talk while he's under suspension. This is not America.

I was for civil unions and believed strongly that the flow of benefits and protections that would be provided in a civil union for same-sex couples the decisions that have to be made when health hardships are faced when economic hardships are faced I wanted all of those protections. I never strayed from them.

But at the end of the day we need to represent the taxpayers who have made enormous sacrifices. Many have lost their jobs. Many of them have seen their companies - they don't have a pension - they have seen their companies cut the match for their 401(k). They have seen their health care benefits be shredded.

While some people are certainly seeing economic benefits many others are unemployed underemployed without health insurance and struggling to make ends meet.

It is essential that the women's preventive coverage benefit including contraception be available to all women regardless of what health plan they have or where they work - as Congress intended. Providing access to birth control just makes good sense.

I would prefer a public option that would be a competitive option that would allow people to buy into a Federal Employee Health Benefits Program which is a series of private plans.

Because what happens is as the economy suffers tax revenues go down. But unlike businesses where at least your variable costs go down in government your variable costs go up: unemployment insurance workmen's compensation health care benefits welfare you name it.

As founder and co-chair of the upper Mississippi River Congressional task force I have long sought to preserve the river's health and historical multiple uses including as a natural waterway and a home to wildlife for the benefit of future generations of Americans.

I'm always active in trying to educate people when it comes to eating animal products testing on animals and the health benefits of being vegan although I'm probably not the best person to be talking about the latter at the moment.

Yes. I think the anti-Wal-Mart is Costco which pays much better and has much better health benefits and which is profitable and offers low prices.

The health care system is really designed to reward you for being unhealthy. If you are a healthy person and work hard to be healthy there are no benefits.

The most common objection that I hear to walking as exercise is that it's too easy that only sweaty strenuous activity offers real benefits. But there is abundant evidence that regular brisk walking is associated with better health including lower blood pressure better moods and improved cholesterol ratios.