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It is never easy to win but it is a lot easier to win when you play well. The key is winning golf tournaments when you are not playing so well. Managing your game is something that I feel that I am still learning to do.

It helps immerse yourself in what you potentially want to do. Being involved learning firsthand and observing the craft and absorbing all you can makes it easier to define what you want. It will also ultimately make you a better Chef. Culinary school or even a single class is a great bet too.

Well football teams are perhaps easier to control than political parties I'm sure the Prime Minister would agree with me but yeah I think every team needs discipline and a sense of self-belief and that's important that's what leadership's all about.

When your values are clear to you making decisions becomes easier.

I think if you're a competent actor with a good imagination and if it's on the page it makes your job a lot easier.

It's easier to sit there and say you don't like feminists because they don't have a sense of humor.

If one seeks to analyze experiences and reactions to the first postwar years I hope one may say without being accused of bias that it is easier for the victor than for the vanquished to advocate peace.

It's easier to date a football player for sure. Football players have one game a week and they practice every day but they're all at home. In basketball they're on the road all the time.

When I am made fun of in the press I just remember those days when I'd come home to find that the water had been turned off because my mother couldn't afford the bill. Suddenly everything feels easier.

It is often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by oppression and discrimination half a block from home.

It is easier to take a position in the abstract than when it hits home.

If I were running to be somebody there are a lot of easier sombodies to be. After all running against the incumbent governor of your own party in your home state is not the next logical step in a political life.

Obviously there's not much options when you're a cartoonist - you pretty much either work at home or rent an office I guess and working at home just seems easier.

There is much that public policy can do to support American entrepreneurs. Health insurance reform will make it easier for entrepreneurs to take a chance on a new business without putting their family's health at risk. Tort reform will make it easier to take prudent risks on new products in a number of sectors.

It's easier to lecture women on sexual morality than it is to explain why all Americans shouldn't have comprehensive fair and equal health care coverage.

We've got people looking at our seamy side and our sad side a lot of the time because that's easier. It's much more difficult to make a film about happiness with lots of jokes in it.

Happiness is dependent on self-discipline. We are the biggest obstacles to our own happiness. It is much easier to do battle with society and with others than to fight our own nature.

Who can map out the various forces at play in one soul? Man is a great depth O Lord. The hairs of his head are easier by far to count than his feeling the movements of his heart.

It's easier to replace a dead man than a good picture.

The fact that books today are mostly a string of words makes it easier to forget the text. With the impact of the iPad and the future of the book being up for re-imagination I wonder whether we'll rediscover the importance of making texts richer visually.

And I think that being able to make people laugh and write a book that's funny makes the information go down a lot easier and it makes it a lot more fun to read easier to understand and often stronger. So there's all kinds of advantages to it.

I've always found it easier to be funny than to be serious.

TV is easier: it's all planned out for you and the audience is there to see a show and they are all pumped up but when you are in a comedy club you have to be really funny to win them over.

I would talk in iambic pentameter if it were easier.