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Who ever hears of fat men heading a riot or herding together in turbulent mobs? No - no your lean hungry men who are continually worrying society and setting the whole community by the ears.

Search For invent In Quotes 213

I have terrible hearing trouble. I have unwittingly helped to invent and refine a type of music that makes its principal proponents deaf.

Cronenberg's a lot of fun and that a lot of people don't know watching his movies. He doesn't take himself seriously. He's still reinventing himself.

I like action movies even though I think action movies are kind of derided now. But there is something extraordinary about action movies which is absolutely linked to the invention of cinema and what cinema is and why we love it.

It's the movies that have really been running things in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to do how to do it when to do it how to feel about it and how to look how you feel about it.

Thanks to the greatest invention of recent years the MP3-playing alarm clock I can now choose the song that wakes me up in the morning.

One might think that the money value of an invention constitutes its reward to the man who loves his work. But... I continue to find my greatest pleasure and so my reward in the work that precedes what the world calls success.

Ben Franklin may have discovered electricity- but it is the man who invented the meter who made the money.

Mothers are the necessity of invention.

We believe that if men have the talent to invent new machines that put men out of work they have the talent to put those men back to work.

Whenever ideas fail men invent words.

I don't believe medical discoveries are doing much to advance human life. As fast as we create ways to extend it we are inventing ways to shorten it.

In the name of Hypocrites doctors have invented the most exquisite form of torture ever known to man: survival.

I've never quite understood why people marry marriage is just an invented structure.

God invented concubinage satan marriage.

Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again so is a bicycle repair kit.

People talk of me as being the inventor of the legal thriller.

I think Russian people are learning that democracy is not an alien thing it's not a western invention.

Being a geek is all about learning the inventories of things.

The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge.

No one person invented Mulberry. The knowledge that we had to have this floating harbor slowly grew.

Man has made use of his intelligence he invented stupidity.

All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane the automobile the computer - says little about his intelligence but speaks volumes about his laziness.

I believe that one defines oneself by reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. To cut yourself out of stone.

The march of invention has clothed mankind with powers of which a century ago the boldest imagination could not have dreamt.