Search For opportunities In Quotes 111

And we're seeing a higher level of consciousness and many more opportunities for people to challenge their present ways of thinking and move into a grander and larger experience of who they really are.

Difficult times always create opportunities for you to experience more love in your life.

The Internet is the hope of an integrated world without frontiers a common world without controlling owners a world of opportunities and equality. This is a utopia that we have been dreaming about and is a world in which each and every one of us are protagonists of a destiny that we have in our hands.

In Canada women's rights are a vital part of our effort to build a society of real equality - not just for some but for all Canadians. A society in which women no longer encounter discrimination nor are shut out from opportunities open to others.

I am totally against the idea that a Muslim woman should not have the same opportunities as a Muslim man to learn to open up to work help shape the future. To close Islam down to a sexist approach is totally intolerable and ridiculous. It's not Islam.

I align myself with almost all researchers in assuming that anything we do is a composite of whatever genetic limitations were given to us by our parents and whatever kinds of environmental opportunities are available.

New Zealand needs to balance its environmental responsibilities with its economic opportunities because the risk is that if you don't do that - and you want to lead the world - then you might end up getting unintended consequences.

The wave of new productive enterprises would provide opportunities to remedy the unjust distribution of environmental hazards among economic classes and racial and ethnic communities.

I think the most important issue for all of us is our economy and jobs and creating opportunities for young people to be able to get the education that you need to be able to afford to go to college.

After completing a Delaware State education they were afforded opportunities beyond anything they might have imagined - and they opened doors for themselves that surely would have remained closed if they only had a high school education.

I really owe everything to my parents and their devotion and drive to see to it that their children had the education which led to the opportunities that they never were able to have.

An arts education helps build academic skills and increase academic performance while also providing alternative opportunities to reward the skills of children who learn differently.

Excellent education and an excellent environment are two hallmarks of our state. How we treat our environment is connected to so many other opportunities in Maine.

President Obama believes in a country where we invest in education in roads and bridges in science and in the future so we can create new opportunities so the next kid can make it big and the kid afer that and the kid after that that's what President Obama believes.

I tell students that the opportunities I had were a result of having a good educational background. Education is what allows you to stand out.

I feel very lucky because of my parents and then my education the opportunities that I've had so I would like to continue working to improve lives for others.

I put a lot of faith in dreams. I know that big movie roles and opportunities are going to happen.

We in the majority have worked hard to empower people to create opportunities to make jobs to do things that turn America into a place where people can achieve their dreams.

A fulfilling life is different to each person. You have to acknowledge your dreams and not just wait for life to happen and opportunities to come knocking at your door.

Within our dreams and aspirations we find our opportunities.

High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true.

When sudden death takes a president opportunities for new beginnings flourish among the ambitious and the tensions among such people can be dramatic as they were when President Kennedy was killed.

I love the comic opportunities that come up in the context of a father-son relationship.

I wanted to escape Small Town U.S.A. To dismiss the boundaries to explore. My life experience came from watching movies TV and reading books and magazines. When your culture comes from watching TV everyday you're bombarded with images of things that seem cool places that seem interesting people who have jobs and careers and opportunities.