Search For prison In Quotes 86

Let me start with Yahoo. As we meet today a Chinese citizen who had the courage to speak his mind on the Internet is in prison because Yahoo chose to share his name and address with the Chinese Government.

That wasn't the way that things was supposed to be. And all because the so-called culture that I thought was right that I thought it was cool and I thought it was fun and it was exciting at the time. It all led to me laying in a prison bunk by myself with no one to talk to but myself.

I never told a victim story about my imprisonment. Instead I told a transformation story - about how prison changed my outlook about how I saw that communication truth and trust are at the heart of power.

Two prisoners whose cells adjoin communicate with each other by knocking on the wall. The wall is the thing which separates them but is also their means of communication. It is the same with us and God. Every separation is a link.

The problem is that the Iraqi people are facing atrocities from both sides - Zarqawi and also the American troops at times. The Zarqawi groups uses car bombs the Americans use other bombs. You also know what they do in the prisons.

I was in prison for a charge in Texas murder one. Back in the '70s in Texas I was there. I heard the shot. I was in the car.

Detainee policy in this war is hard it's complicated but we must get it right. We would be better off as a nation if we could close Gitmo safely and start a new prison that he could use that the world would see as a better way to doing business.

As far as those kinds of things I also played at the concert to call for the release of Nelson Mandela when he was a political prisoner in South Africa. We were celebrating his 70th birthday and calling for his release.

In prison inmates sometimes use Cheetos and grape juice as makeup. I wouldn't use that beauty regimen around Britney Spears - she might lick your face off!

Taught from infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre the mind shapes itself to the body and roaming round its gilt cage only seeks to adorn its prison.

I think my attitude to human beings has changed since leaving prison.

The devil had as good have let Paul alone for he no sooner comes into prison but he falls a preaching at which the gates of Satan's prison fly open and poor sinners come forth.

I do not come bearing a party label on my sleeve - or a quick fix in my back pocket. I do not come with a rigid ideology in my heart - or a soul that tells me to go it alone. I do not come to uproot tradition - or to be imprisoned by it.

A political prisoner is someone who is out fighting for his or her people's rights and freedom and is imprisoned for that alone.