Search For professional In Quotes 147

It's hard to decide how to match words to music. It's not like it's twice the work. It's always difficult for me to explain to the composer what I'm looking for. I'm not a professional I lack even basic knowledge about writing music.

That's how easy baseball was for me. I'm not trying to brag or anything but I had the knowledge before I became a professional baseball player to do all these things and know what each guy would hit.

We do not need to be shoemakers to know if our shoes fit and just as little have we any need to be professionals to acquire knowledge of matters of universal interest.

I don't watch that much comedy. I think it's professional jealousy. That and a lack of support for my community.

In my professional work with the Agency by the late '70s I had come to question the value of a great deal of what we were doing in terms of the intelligence agency's impact on American policy.

I'm fascinated by the journey that an intelligent and an ambitious woman makes in the professional world in contrast to the journey that a man of similar ambition of similar intelligence makes. What sort of concessions does a woman have to make? Does she have to work 20 percent harder than a man?

I am committed to ensure that our intelligence community law enforcement medical professionals and military have the information and funding needed to protect the American people from threats at home and abroad.

As a former career intelligence professional I have a profound appreciation for the value of intelligence. Intelligence disrupts terrorist plots and thwarts attacks. Intelligence saves lives.

I used to make up stuff in my bio all the time that I used to be a professional ice-skater and stuff like that. I found it so inspirational. Why not make myself cooler than I am?

One of the things that I did before I ran for president is I was a professional speaker. Not a motivational speaker - an inspirational speaker. Motivation comes from within. You have to be inspired. That's what I do. I inspire people I inspire the public I inspire my staff. I inspired the organizations I took over to want to succeed.

I am in the Master of Professional Writing program teaching Humor Writing Literary and Dramatic.

You may not like the idea of putting money into a home when you're moving out. But it's demanded by the market. You need to show it off. You don't have to rip out the kitchen and bathroom. But maybe replace the tiles or the countertops. Get professional advice.

I hit the ground running without a lot of training so I had to do whatever I could do to survive as a professional and if that meant being that character 24/7 and acting out I was going to do that. I lived those characters I brought them home with me.

I've always thought my soundtracks do pretty good because they're basically professional equivalents of a mix tape I'd make for you at home.

The real truth is that the Obama administration is professional at bullying as we have witnessed with ACORN at work during the presidential campaign. It seems to me they are sending down their bullies to create fist fights among average American citizens who don't want a government-run health care plan forced upon them.

Medical professionals not insurance company bureaucrats should be making health care decisions.

I'd like to see the health care professionals making decisions not some bureaucrat in Indianapolis working for an insurance company.

Frequent worshippers are also significantly more active citizens. They are more likely to belong to community organizations especially those concerned with young people health arts and leisure neighborhood and civic groups and professional associations.

Every profession will have its rogues of course no matter what oaths are sworn but many health care professionals have a real commitment to serving the best interests of their clients.

Our record number of teenagers must become our record number of high school and college graduates and our record number of teachers scientists doctors lawyers and skilled professionals.

My main objective is to prepare candidates for professional baseball however the majority of our graduates will go home as much better qualified amateurs.

Professionalism is not sportsmanship. If you don't succeed you won't be in your profession for long. In our society it's not about good or bad. It's about who's on top.

Every war results from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence and every war is sold to the public by professional liars and totally sincere religious maniacs as a Holy Crusade to save God and Goodness from Satan and Evil.

Sometimes I make very selfish choices like I did 'Once Upon A Time' for my inner 8-year-old and my hypothetical future child. I've done some movies because I would regret them if I didn't but other projects I've done because they've scared me or if I felt I needed to do a big romantic comedy to help me professionally.