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Week after week the heads of Red Army Intelligence received updates on the Wehrmacht's preparations.

And I argued with that intelligence estimate and I think it is a responsibility of policymakers to use their best judgment on the basis of the intelligence they've received.

I need to add that my work on multiple intelligences received a huge boost in 1995 when Daniel Goleman published his book on emotional intelligence. I am often confused with Dan. Initially though Dan and I are longtime friends this confusion irritated me.

The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's smile at someone and receive a smile in return are to me continual spiritual exercises.

When you're young you want to make every kind of film: musicals Westerns horror. Slowly you begin to hear your own voice. I hope people receive what I do as small personal films that are somewhat contrarian about their main characters.

Whether it's making sure that families have access to quality health care and child care or making sure that our children receive the best educational opportunities we can give them we must remain committed to these needs because our children are our future.

The study also included the disturbing revelation that most of the troops who reported having mental health problems also reported that they did not seek or did not receive care for their problems.

Irregular contact with doctors means many men fail to receive any preventive care for potentially life-threatening conditions. In addition when men do seek care embarrassment can often prevent them from openly discussing health concerns with their physicians.

Who is there that ever receives a gift and tries to make bargains about it? Let us then return thanks for what He has bestowed on us. Who can tell whether if we had had a larger share of ability or stronger health we should not have possessed them to our destruction.

The majority of Americans receive health insurance coverage through their employers but with rising health care costs many small businesses can no longer afford to provide coverage for their employees.

Spiritually good people pure in heart who long for the Blessed Sacrament but cannot receive at the time can receive spiritually... even a hundred times a day in sickness and in health with immeasurable grace and profit.

Today we have a health insurance industry where the first and foremost goal is to maximize profits for shareholders and CEOs not to cover patients who have fallen ill or to compensate doctors and hospitals for their services. It is an industry that is increasingly concentrated and where Americans are paying more to receive less.

When the Veterans Affairs Department implemented a program to provide home-based health care to veterans with multiple chronic conditions - many of the system's most expensive patients to treat - they received astounding results.

The only truly individualistic health-care choice - where you receive care that is unpolluted by anyone else's funds - is to forgo insurance altogether paying out-of-pocket for health services as you need them.

I received free health care.

I knew everything and received everything. But real happiness is giving.

Joe E. Lewis said 'Money doesn't buy happiness but it calms the nerves.' And that is how I feel about a film being well-received.

A weak mind is like a microscope which magnifies trifling things but cannot receive great ones.

Seeds of great discoveries are constantly floating around us but they only take root in minds well prepared to receive them.

I received $100 per week when I started working at the Globe after graduation.

I received my undergraduate degree in engineering in 1939 and a Master of Science degree in mathematical physics in 1941 at Steven Institute of Technology.

In 1858 I received the degree of D. S. from the Lawrence Scientific School and thereafter remained on the rolls of the university as a resident graduate.

Engineering undergraduates should not be charged fees. They should receive grants not student loans and the government will get the money back long-term from increased exports.

Government workers often get a bad rap but it's rare for them to receive much appreciation when government works.