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Democrats can neither control nor predict whether our GOP counterparts are really ready to play chicken with the U.S. economy. But we can assure the American people that our party takes the nation's faith and credit seriously.

Search For silence In Quotes 93

With their souls of patent leather they come down the road. Hunched and nocturnal where they breathe they impose silence of dark rubber and fear of fine sand.

African women in general need to know that it's OK for them to be the way they are - to see the way they are as a strength and to be liberated from fear and from silence.

I write for those women who do not speak for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We've been taught that silence would save us but it won't.

Do not tell secrets to those whose faith and silence you have not already tested.

I was very very religious. And of course I wrote about it in 'Night.' I questioned God's silence. So I questioned. I don't have an answer for that. Does it mean that I stopped having faith? No. I have faith but I question it.

It's always an interesting experience for a politician to be heard in silence I have to say.

The human heart has hidden treasures In secret kept in silence sealed The thoughts the hopes the dreams the pleasures Whose charms were broken if revealed.

Death unites as well as separates it silences all paltry feeling.

Absolute silence leads to sadness. It is the image of death.

Those who have the strength and the love to sit with a dying patient in the silence that goes beyond words will know that this moment is neither frightening nor painful but a peaceful cessation of the functioning of the body.

Sometimes there is a greater lack of communication in facile talking than in silence.

To communicate through silence is a link between the thoughts of man.

If you are a writer you locate yourself behind a wall of silence and no matter what you are doing driving a car or walking or doing housework you can still be writing because you have that space.

There are people and nations Mother that I would like to say to you by name. I entrust them to you in silence I entrust them to you in the way that you know best.

Silence is true wisdom's best reply.

If you don't die of thirst there are blessings in the desert. You can be pulled into limitlessness which we all yearn for or you can do the beauty of minutiae the scrimshaw of tiny and precise. The sky is your ocean and the crystal silence will uplift you like great gospel music or Neil Young.

Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over.

I wash my hands of those who imagine chattering to be knowledge silence to be ignorance and affection to be art.

If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint ' then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.

The voice of the intelligence is drowned out by the roar of fear. It is ignored by the voice of desire. It is contradicted by the voice of shame. It is biased by hate and extinguished by anger. Most of all it is silenced by ignorance.

I love my friends and family but I also love it when they can't find me and I can spend all day reading or walking all alone in silence eight thousand miles away from everyone. All alone and unreachable in a foreign country is one my most favorite possible things to be.