Search For spite In Quotes 114

George Harrison was also a pleasure to work with. He was one of the most famous people I've ever known but in spite of that fame he was such a nice and friendly guy.

Look at Gleason in The Honeymooners. He was humorous but the way he lived wasn't really humorous. He was a bus driver. Who wants to be a bus driver? He didn't have any money and he was not famous. But despite that the show is humorous.

In spite of reports about playing with various teams I'm enjoying retirement with my family and have no plans to play football.

During the periods in my marriage when I chose to stay home with my kids rather than work as an attorney it caused me no end of anxiety. Despite the fact that I knew I was contributing to our family by caring for our children I still felt that my worth was less because I wasn't earning.

Let your family staff and friends know that you're still the same person despite all the publicity and notoriety that accompanies your position.

What is faith? If you believe something because you have evidence for it or rational argument that is not faith. So faith seems to be believing something despite the absence of evidence or rational argument for it.

Faith is the great cop-out the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of even perhaps because of the lack of evidence.

Bringing an end to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians may help the young Arab generation to realise their aspirations. Israel is more than willing to offer our experience in building a modern economy in spite of limited resources to the whole region.

I've been playing against older and stronger competition my whole life. It has made me a better tennis player and able to play against this kind of level despite their strength and experience.

In spite of his practical ability some of his experience had petrified into maxims and quotations.

We come altogether fresh and raw into the several stages of life and often find ourselves without experience despite our years.

U.N. Women was created due to the acknowledgement that gender equality and women's empowerment was still despite progress far from what it should be. Transforming political will and decisions such as the Member States creating U.N. Women into concrete steps towards gender equality and women's empowerment I think is one of the main challenges.

Despite Arizona's remarkable growth in recent years we have met the current federal health standards for ozone pollution and the Environmental Protection Agency recently approved our dust control plan.

Let's remember the children who come from broken homes surrounded by crime drugs temptation their peers having babies out of wedlock but who still manage to get a good education despite the many obstacles they face every day.

Abraham Lincoln comes from nothing has no education no money lives in the middle of nowhere on the frontier. And despite the fact that he suffers one tragedy and one setback after another through sheer force of will he becomes something extraordinary: not only the president but the person who almost single-handedly united the country.

Common sense is in spite of not as the result of education.

Our criminal justice system is fallible. We know it even though we don't like to admit it. It is fallible despite the best efforts of most within it to do justice. And this fallibility is at the end of the day the most compelling persuasive and winning argument against a death penalty.

It is difficult to accept death in this society because it is unfamiliar. In spite of the fact that it happens all the time we never see it.

In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion misery and death.

I pray they will carry on in spite of that dreadful monster prejudice and with patience courage fortitude and perseverance achieve success for themselves.

I have three favorite politicians: Reagan Truman and Bobby Kennedy - Bobby for showing remarkable political courage despite being loathed by many on both sides.

History despite its wrenching pain cannot be unlived but if faced with courage need not be lived again.

Courage is not the absence of despair it is rather the capacity to move ahead in spite of despair.

The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself in spite of being unacceptable.