Search For third In Quotes 125

What the government has to do if it wants to govern for any length of time is it must appeal primarily to the third parties in the House of Commons to get them to support it.

It's the government's obligation to look really to the third parties to get the support to govern.

There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself the other appreciates what others can understand the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent the second good and the third kind useless.

We kinda look at this as the second or third chapter of our lives. After college most people figure out what they want to do with their lives. But we already know what we want to do in the future and that is to continue to further our business goals.

The three main sources of scepticism are first that not every people desires freedom second that democracy in certain parts of the world would be dangerous and third that there is little the world's democracies can do to advance freedom outside their countries.

We can't equate democracy with Christianity because the largest democracy on earth is India which is primarily Hindu. The third largest democracy is Indonesia which is Islamic. Democracy and freedom are not dependent on Christian beliefs.

Try a thing you haven't done three times. Once to get over the fear of doing it. Twice to learn how to do it. And a third time to figure out whether you like it or not.

I always say three things make a writer: inspiration obviously perspiration doing the work. But the third is desperation. I'm not really fit for anything else or to have a real job. That fear drives me. The pressure has always been self inflicted.

In five years' time I'd like to be a mum. I want to settle down and have a family definitely sooner rather than later. I'd like to have finished my second album too maybe even my third. I'd like a sound that sticks around that other people are inspired by and that people know is me.

I say If everybody in this house lives where it's God first friends and family second and you third we won't ever have an argument.

In the third century after Christ the faith continued to spread.

He that rebels against reason is a real rebel but he that in defence of reason rebels against tyranny has a better title to Defender of the Faith than George the Third.

Of course Third World leaders love you. By ascribing third world ills to First World sins you absolve them of blame for their countries' failure to advance.

You can use your means in a good and bad way. In German-speaking art we had such a bad experience with the Third Reich when stories and images were used to tell lies. After the war literature was careful not to do the same which is why writers began to reflect on the stories they told and to make readers part of their texts. I do the same.

To pursue a so-called Third Way is foolish. We had our experience with this in the 1960s when we looked for a socialism with a human face. It did not work and we must be explicit that we are not aiming for a more efficient version of a system that has failed.

There are three methods to gaining wisdom. The first is reflection which is the highest. The second is limitation which is the easiest. The third is experience which is the bitterest.

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First by reflection which is noblest Second by imitation which is easiest and third by experience which is the bitterest.

If we were to select the most intelligent imaginative energetic and emotionally stable third of mankind all races would be present.

Fracking is doable if there's full disclosure of all chemicals used. Secondly science dictates the policy rather than politics. Third there's collaboration between environmental groups and the natural gas industry.

If we talk about the environment for example we have to talk about environmental racism - about the fact that kids in South Central Los Angeles have a third of the lung capacity of kids in Santa Monica.

Furthermore we believe that health care reform again I said at the beginning of my remarks that we sent the three pillars that the President's economic stabilization and job creation initiatives were education and innovation - innovation begins in the classroom - clean energy and climate addressing the climate issues in an innovative way to keep us number one and competitive in the world with the new technology and the third first among equals I may say is health care health insurance reform.

Not all lucid dreams are useful but they all have a sense of wonder about them. If you must sleep through a third of your life why should you sleep through your dreams too?

When nearly a third of our high school students do not graduate on time with their peers we have work to do. We must design our middle and high schools so that no student gets lost in the crowd and disconnected from his or her own potential.

Benjamin Franklin said there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes. But I'd like to add a third certainty: trash. And while some in this room might want to discuss reducing taxes I want to talk about reducing trash.