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I didn't become leader to transform the Liberal Democrats into an enlarged form of the Electoral Reform Society. It's not the be all and end all for us. There are other very very key ambitions in politics not least social mobility and life chances that I care about as passionately if not more.

Search For tired In Quotes 98

In the beginning I loved being famous but now I am tired of it and I would like to go back to my freedom.

A retired teacher paid $62 000 towards her pension and nothing yes nothing for full family medical dental and vision coverage over her entire career. What will we pay her? $1.4 million in pension benefits and another $215 000 in health care benefit premiums over her lifetime.

I'm a method writer. In order to write about the emotion I have to experience it. I get physically tired and exhausted devoting hours and hours and hours to it.

Maybe it's a tired tale but without an education you're not going to go anywhere.

I told my doctor I get very tired when I go on a diet so he gave me pep pills. Know what happened? I ate faster.

The wages of sin are death but by the time taxes are taken out it's just sort of a tired feeling.

I've always had an affinity for lawyers. My dad is a lawyer. He's retired now. My brother is a lawyer.

Work ethic has always been stressed in my family. My dad is going to be 80 years old and he still works part time. My mom just retired a couple years ago and she's in her mid- to late 70s.

I got tired of the Ramones around the time I quit and I really got into rap. I thought it was the new punk rock. LL Cool J was my biggest idol.

When I come home and I'm tired from filming all day I expect her to be there and make sure everything is cool for me. You know like drawing my bath and helping me into bed.

When I'm bored or tired of being blonde I'll throw on a wig. It's a lot less of a permanent way to change your look and I have about 10 - all different colors shapes bobs long hair short feathered.

The world will change for the better when people decide they are sick and tired of being sick and tired of the way the world is and decide to change themselves.

The '80s made up for all the abuse I took during the '70s. I outlived all my critics. By the time I retired everybody saw me as a venerable institution. Things do change.

When from our better selves we have too long been parted by the hurrying world and droop. Sick of its business of its pleasures tired how gracious how benign is solitude.

A huge part of acting in movies is appetite. You do your best work when you've got a lot of appetite and you really want to embrace something. When you get tired you don't have that hunger.

I learned the truth at seventeen That love was meant for beauty queens And high school girls with clear skinned smiles Who married young and then retired.

I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being skin deep. That's deep enough. What do you want an adorable pancreas?

I'm tired of being around men all the time. I'm going to start a band called Skirt with three girls and I'll play the guitar and sing backing vocals in drag. I went window shopping when I was in New York saw a lot of amazing dresses.

We can be tired weary and emotionally distraught but after spending time alone with God we find that He injects into our bodies energy power and strength.

A woman my age is not supposed to be attractive or sexually appealing. I just get kinda tired of that.

Right up until the time I retired at age 37 I felt like there were still things that I could do better.

I worked hard in gymnastics since the time I was six years old until I retired at 23 years of age.

Study until twenty-five investigation until forty profession until sixty at which age I would have him retired on a double allowance.

Age is not measured by years. Nature does not equally distribute energy. Some people are born old and tired while others are going strong at seventy.