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About 10 000 years ago males and females were acting equitably and were treating one another as equals and then males took over the power because they have physical power and physical strength.

Search For death In Quotes 1038

Death be not proud though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful for thou art not so. For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow. Die not poor death nor yet canst thou kill me.

Art is the tree of life. Science is the tree of death.

Bullfighting is the only art in which the artist is in danger of death and in which the degree of brilliance in the performance is left to the fighter's honor.

In an artwork you're always looking for artistic decisions so an ashtray is perfect. An ashtray has got life and death.

It was very hard for all of us. It's still very hard. The anniversary of his death just passed and every single one of his friends still after all these years... it's unbelievable.

I was writing a scene where a guy was choking another guy to death. You can go online and type 'chokeholds' and watch scenes where martial artists choke each other out. You can hear what noises they make when they go unconscious see how their bodies flop and everything. YouTube is amazing for the more detailed stuff.

A lot of people fear death because they think that so overwhelming an experience has to be painful but I've seen quite a few deaths and with one exception I've never known anyone to undergo anything like agony. That's amazing when you think about it. I mean how complicated the mechanism is that's being taken apart.

I think the amazing thing about gospel music is that not only does it lift up the death and resurrection of our Lord which is consistent with the Gospel but it is uniquely communicated depending upon the generation.

At the New York Athletic Club they serve amazing food. People go there get healthy and then eat themselves to death - which is I suppose the right way to do it.

It's necessary to start most work alone. But I'm tickled to death when I can pull somebody in or join someone whether it's borrowing poetry or traveling with an associate.

She goes through the vale of death alone each time a babe is born. As it is the right neither of man nor the state to coerce her into this ordeal so it is her right to decide whether she will endure it.

Virtue alone has majesty in death.

Once a disease has entered the body all parts which are healthy must fight it: not one alone but all. Because a disease might mean their common death. Nature knows this and Nature attacks the disease with whatever help she can muster.

In Sleep we lie all naked and alone in Sleep we are united at the heart of night and darkness and we are strange and beautiful asleep for we are dying the darkness and we know no death.

Death is the mother of Beauty hence from her alone shall come fulfillment to our dreams and our desires.

No one else can take risks for us or face our losses on our behalf or give us self-esteem. No one can spare us from life's slings and arrows and when death comes we meet it alone.

No one ever said on their deathbed 'Gee I wish I had spent more time alone with my computer'.

I try to write lyrics so that they won't age which sort of leaves you with the big subjects like death and love and sex and violence.

A face to lose youth for to occupy age With the dream of meet death with.

It's not the normal way to look at things but I experienced death at a really young age and because of that it's been part of my mental landscape that death is really very possible.

At a certain age death becomes familiar to you-or a loss becomes familiar-the tragedies that are more commonplace in life.

Old age is always wakeful as if the longer linked with life the less man has to do with aught that looks like death.

Death comes not to the living soul nor age to the loving heart.

Old age calm expanded broad with the haughty breadth of the universe old age flowing free with the delicious near-by freedom of death.