Search For attitude In Quotes 526

In regard to music I just think that it's always best to have an attitude of being a perpetual student and always look to learn something new about music because there's always something new to learn.

It got very tedious saying the same jokes in the same way with the same attitude.

When I first left university I thought about going into the private sector. But I discovered when I went to interview that I could only have a career in the back office or doing HR. The attitude was 'My dear lady you cannot possibly think about going on the board.'

Acting is magical. Change your look and your attitude and you can be anyone.

With my talent I can make people laugh and give them another attitude about life. What a blessing that is for me.

Look everything that you experience as a kid is the foundation of how you are today. I was brought up in a working class family in Leeds and when it comes to money both my parents worked hard and instilled the same attitude into me.

Attitude is your acceptance of the natural laws or your rejection of the natural laws.

In terms of work I've always had a Bad Attitude in that I won't work anywhere which requires me to work strict hours or follow a dress code. I don't know if that's an Asperger's thing or not I think it's just being reasonable.

We can do better in higher education. And it is more than just technology. It's also an attitude on the part of faculty. We need to think through how we can produce a better quality product at less cost.

If you go on stage with the wrong attitude or something in your performance is off you can lose an audience in the first minute. That first minute is crucial.

If you take the contempt some Americans have for yuppies and multiply it by 10 you might come close to understanding their attitude towards the City as they call it - London the people of the south.

When you are facing the wilderness on your own you have a totally different attitude to someone who works in government or who has a monthly cheque.

After working for years in Hollywood where the actors have taken over it was a real relief to get down there and not only have some children but also have some actors that had no attitude.

The world is full of musicians who can play great and you wouldn't cross the road to see them. It's people who have this indefinable attitude that are the good ones.

Elvis Costello had a brand new bag. He was a musician but he knew all about the attitude part of it.

I still have a young attitude.

What do you mean by faith? Is faith enough for Man? Should he be satisfied with faith alone? Is there no way of finding out the truth? Is the attitude of faith of believing in something for which there can be no more than philosophic proof the true mark of a Christian?

My agent says that I'm a 'repeat business guy.' If you hire me to come do a movie I'll be on time know all my material be ready to go have a good attitude. I'm here to work so I get hired over and over again by the same producers. If you just be a team player on set you can work so much more often.

Hollywood's a very weird place. I think there's less of everything except for attitude.

I don't think people are fools and I think they deserve a good attitude and smart entertainment.

Hardboiled crime fiction came of age in 'Black Mask' magazine during the Twenties and Thirties. Writers like Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler learnt their craft and developed a distinct literary style and attitude toward the modern world.

Reason is an action of the mind knowledge is a possession of the mind but faith is an attitude of the person. It means you are prepared to stake yourself on something being so.

Listen whatever makes the movie better. That's the attitude you have to have.

Women didn't want to be on the stage with other women because they didn't want their bodies to be compared. They didn't want another female act opening for them because of this weird competitive and tokenistic attitude.