Search For correct In Quotes 101

Architecture is the learned game correct and magnificent of forms assembled in the light.

Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.

Government alone cannot solve the problems we deal with in our correctional facilities treatment centers homeless shelters and crisis centers - we need our faith-based and community partners.

It seems to me there is a change in what audiences want to see. I can only hope that's correct because there's an awful lot of people of my age around now and we outnumber the others.

We have become a society that can't self-correct that can't address its obvious problems that can't pull out of its nosedive. And so to our list of disasters let us add this fourth entry: we have entered an age of folly that - for all our Facebooking and the twittling tweedle-dee-tweets of the twitterati - we can't wake up from.