Search For finance In Quotes 125

I don't want euro bonds that serve to mutualize the entire debt of the countries in the euro zone. That can only work in the longer-term. I want euro bonds to be used to finance targeted investments in future-oriented growth projects. It isn't the same thing. Let's call them 'project bonds' instead of euro bonds.

My adversary is the world of finance.

My real adversary has no name no face no party. It will never be elected yet it governs - the adversary is the world of finance.

I worked with a group of people who argued day and night - professors officials the Minister of Finance - but there were decisions that I had to make.

I have come close to producing films. But generally by the time they hit the screen there's about 50 people with producer credits so what's the point. I usually find scripts I like with no money attached and take them to producers that I know and try to raise finance.

We all know that Americans love their statistics - in sport obviously. And in finance too.

At this point I don't get hired a lot because people don't think I could finance a movie.

Canadians know that the promise of a recession didn't happen because of anything we did here. If you look at all the causes of the recession problems in mortgage markets the problems in the banking sector the problems in government finance in countries like Greece none of those problems were in present Canada.

Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.

I'm looking for backing for an unauthorized auto-biography that I am writing. Hopefully this will sell in such huge numbers that I will be able to sue myself for an extraordinary amount of money and finance the film version in which I will play everybody.

If you want to fight the evil you see in finance and industry get to work reading the corporate filings see if there has been fraud and where you find it report it to the SEC or write about it or blog about it.

Finance like time devours its own children.

I was a great student at a great school Wharton School of Finance.

If it isn't the sheriff it's the finance company I've got more attachments on me than a vacuum cleaner.

Every nation has to either be with us or against us. Those who harbor terrorists or who finance them are going to pay a price.

You only need to make one big score in finance to be a hero forever.

The problem of how we finance the welfare state should not obscure a separate issue: if each person thinks he has an inalienable right to welfare no matter what happens to the world that's not equity it's just creating a society where you can't ask anything of people.

Anytime you cast a movie and you need someone famous in the lead part you're a prisoner of whoever happens to be famous in the six-month window in which you're trying to get a film financed.

I feel sorry sometimes for these sportsmen and women who put in just as much effort as the footballers. For example athletes train at least as hard as footballers but have to be happy if they can earn enough to finance a decent education.

One of the things that's great about New York is that it is not a one-industry town. It has education academia the service industry arts publishing theater politics fashion finance as well as movie-making.

Financial literacy is an issue that should command our attention because many Americans are not adequately organizing finances for their education healthcare and retirement.

We came from a family where we ran our own small business. Our dad made his own products. We made our own sausages our own meatloafs our own pickles. Dad had to do everything himself. He had to figure out how to finance his business.

My dad was a baggage handler at Heathrow and careful with money. He worked hard and had three jobs when I was young. I wish I'd inherited his care for money. Sadly I've grown up to be rather scatty when it comes to finances.

I've always thought vampires were interesting because they live forever they're always well-financed they dress well you know what I mean? And they're like cool. Usually vampire - you've never seen a broke vampire. Have you?