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We live in an age when to be young and to be indifferent can be no longer synonymous. We must prepare for the coming hour. The claims of the Future are represented by suffering millions and the Youth of a Nation are the trustees of Posterity.

Search For music In Quotes 1771

Music has done a lot to enhance the emotions of sports. It's played in arenas. Whenever there is footage cut together they're always using music. And it goes together you know.

Sports without music it's nothing but a game. Music adds the emotion.

Sports without music is just a game. Music makes it entertaining.

We're in a period where society seems very attracted to flash and that seeps into people's musical taste.

I started imagining this whole different world. It was a society of musicians a family I hoped I could belong to one day.

You just let your lower self go and then it takes on all these aspects of the society - the city with horns blowing the people yelling things at each other and the all-in-all violence and chaos of the city. Put that on stage with music and that's what this is.

I wake up each and every day with a smile on my face knowing I get to do something musically.

I sat in at every club in New York City jamming with musicians because it felt right - and because it felt right and we were having fun - the people dancing and sipping their drinks in the clubs felt it too and it made them smile.

Sometimes Queens' music is dark but somehow it's ok to deliver it with a smile on your face because thing's are still going to kick in.

Country music in the mid-'90s was a big influence on my career and I played all the songs that are referenced in ''94' back in my club days. Joe Diffie was rocking a sick mullet and he was hotter than ever... just putting out monster hit after monster hit. It totally takes me back to those days and it makes me smile every time I hear it.

I try to greet my friends with a drink in my hand a warm smile on my face and great music in the background because that's what gets a dinner party off to a fun start.

Harmony is an obscure and difficult musical science but most difficult to those who are not acquainted with the Greek language because it is necessary to use many Greek words to which there are none corresponding in Latin.

I was on the football team because I wanted to experience the different iconic social classes of high school. So football for me was an attempt to socially integrate in an interesting way. And then I didn't like it anymore and stopped doing it and focused more on drama and science and other forms of art and music.

Music is not math. It's science. You keep mixing the stuff up until it blows up on you or it becomes this incredible potion.

I shopped at J. Crew in high school I studied computer science. I was a nerd-nerd now I'm a music-nerd.

I would like to do a science fiction film some day. Star Wars seems really to have destroyed the genre which at one time offered great musical opportunities.

It's really sad that the kids today can only relate to Beethoven via a rock version of his music.

Once I was checking to hotel and a couple saw my ring with Blues on it. They said 'You play blues. That music is so sad.' I gave them tickets to the show and they came up afterwards and said 'You didn't play one sad song.'

Two or three notes of music can instantly make you feel sad or tense or afraid or angry. To do that in words is much more difficult.

I would never have become music director of the Chicago Symphony which would have been an extremely sad loss.

Music videos are notoriously long not fun grueling. You are known there as a dancer and it's kind of sad because dancers in a lot of ways are under-appreciated and kind of under-respected when it come to that so they don't necessarily treat you in a nice way when you do a music video.

But probably my favorite music believe it or not is sad music.

I try to make an album that reflects what I love about country music. It's not just all about happy parties all the time. There are some sad songs.

I love music and musicians. And seeing great artists dropped from labels was really frustrating and sad to me.