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My childhood I would say was a bit sad. Society resents that.

In a sad twist of fate the bill to reauthorize the Patriot Act was debated on the floor of the House of Representatives the same day that terrorists struck again.

At a time when 2500 American soldiers have given their lives for the cause of bringing democracy to Iraq it is sad and frustrating to watch the Republican establishment disgrace the exercise of democracy in our own House of Representatives.

I love my past I love my present. I am not ashamed of what I have had and I am not sad because I no longer have it.

It is sadder to find the past again and find it inadequate to the present than it is to have it elude you and remain forever a harmonious conception of memory.

I think opera has gained a kind of glamorous appeal. It's a live performance that aligns all of the arts and when it is represented in the media in film in particular it is presented as something that is really a special event whether it's a great date or something that's just hugely romantic.

Yeah but there's nobody who represents romance to me like Cary Grant.

For many the hijab represents modesty piety and devotion to God and I truly respect that. But the hijab should not be used as a means of applying social pressure on people.

I'm always most excited about the job I'm doing at the present and that's especially true about 'Price' because of my respect for the show and it's production team.

I'm a big proponent of young women dressing appropriately in the workplace to get ahead. We need to demand respect as women and part of that involves how we present ourselves.

Among those who are satisfactory in this respect it is desirable to have represented as great a diversity of intellectual tradition social milieu and personal character as possible.

The only theism worthy of our respect believes in God not because of the way the world is made but in spite of that. The only theism that is no less profound than the Buddha's atheism is that represented in the Bible by Job and Jeremiah.

To be sensual I think is to respect and rejoice in the force of life of life itself and to be present in all that one does from the effort of loving to the making of bread.

The women's movement will present a growing threat to patriarchal religion less by attacking it than by simply leaving it behind.

Every week I get letters from people worldwide who feel that the possibilian point of view represents their understanding better than either religion or neo-atheism.

Of course God is endlessly multi-dimensional so every religion that exists on earth represents some face some side of God.

My relationship with the journalists who covered the campaign was complicated. I often hid from the critical eye of their cameras and their omnipresent digital recorders wary of the critique implicit in every captured moment. But I also grew to respect and understand their passion for their work their love for the journey we were sharing.

They are representations of many shared hours of collaboration between us all. That's the real nature of the relationship the orchestra and I are trying to build.

I hope I presented what I felt the woman seemed to be about but I couldn't give any reason as to why she remained in the relationship other than that their relationship was very special.

I present myself to you in a form suitable to the relationship I wish to achieve with you.

So after the Lewinsky scandal everything changed and we moved from using the Bible to address the moral issues of our time which were social to moral issues of our time that were very personal. I have continued that relationship up until the present.

The only real security is not in owning or possessing not in demanding or expecting not in hoping even. Security in a relationship lies neither in looking back to what it was nor forward to what it might be but living in the present and accepting it as it is now.

The super power that I would choose would be compassion. Because that's what I think it takes to make it through life-an understanding a give and take. It saves an awful lot of resentment.

The functions of these elders therefore determine the power of the people for a representative is one chosen by others to do in their name what they are entitled to do in their own persons or rather to exercise the powers which radically inhere in those for whom they act.