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The music stuff is just a hobby.

All that stuff about heavy metal and hard rock I don't subscribe to any of that. It's all just music. I mean the heavy metal from the Seventies sounds nothing like the stuff from the Eighties and that sounds nothing like the stuff from the Nineties. Who's to say what is and isn't a certain type of music?

I turn a lot of stuff down - big big movies the kind I wouldn't want to go to the cinema to see.

But when you're writing a script - for me anyway - you have to sort of create an enforced innocence. You have to divest yourself of worrying about a lot of stuff like what movies are hot what movies are not hot what the budget of this movie might be.

I love all the old classic Disney movies. 'Pinocchio.' There are obviously tons of them that anybody growing up on that stuff takes with them their whole lives and I'm an admirer of a lot of classic animation and fairy tales. I grew up on a book of Grimm's fairy tales that I kind of wore out again and again. That's all stuff that lingers with you.

I grew up on the crime stuff. Spillane Chandler Jim Thompson and noir movies like Fuller Orson Welles Fritz Lang. When I first showed up in New York to write comics back in the late 1970s I came with a bunch of crime stories but everybody just wanted men in tights.

As a kid I liked the 'Halloween' movies and 'Nightmare On Elm Street' and all that kind of stuff. But as an adult I really don't watch much horror to be honest.

I'm always working on stuff. But they never materialize. I'm always working on movies and TV shows.

What do I geek out about? What am I? Hmmm. I love movies. I watch movies. I like big sweeping epics like Ed Zwick stuff: 'The Last Samurai ' 'Legends of the Fall ' 'Blood Diamond ' 'Glory.'

All movies aren't fun some are hard work. You try to do something and convey a set of emotions that have to do with some real life kind of stuff.

I never read. The paper or anything. I watch a lot of movies and TV series and stuff. But I never never read.

I'd see movies comedies and I loved 'Animal House' I loved all the John Hughes stuff but I never saw me and my friends totally represented.

My fans mean everything to me - especially the sisters! When you're on 'The View' or you're doing movies and stuff you're a little bit insulated. It means so much to me when a woman comes up to me and says 'Sherri you said what I feel.' That just means so much to me to know that I have that support.

It's so great in Hollywood now. You have people past 40 sitting and talking about serious stuff writing and making movies and TV but there's laser pistols and superheroes and alien monsters involved. It's viable and mainstream.

I've kind of come to the conclusion that what passes for realism in movies has nothing to do with reality and that my stuff is more realistic than that.

Shooting this one was kind of like a two month party we would literally play music between takes and other movies that were shooting on our lot would play hookey come over and hang out and stuff. We had a great time.

I'm a weird big guy. Doing rapping doing movies. Do a lot of stuff. But always do things the right way.

I love John Waters. There's stuff in it that's beyond the boundaries of my taste but his movies have always been like that.

I'm trying to figure myself out through my movies. Whether it's big stuff like what we're doing here or little stuff like 'Why aren't I happier?' With every film I feel like I'm apologising for something. I feel I'm most successful when I'm looking for something that embarrasses me about my character that I'd like to expose.

I don't get it when you get so much openness about the way movies are made and the special effects and the behind-the-scenes stuff and all of that. I can't help but feel like this reduces it a little bit.

A lot of times you get credit for stuff in your movies you didn't intend to be there.

It seems to me that one thing people do over and over again is try to figure out how to get married stay married fall in love how to rekindle all this stuff. It seems to me to be a pretty eternal theme so I don't know if you can get typecast from making movies about men relating to women. It seems to be what is going on on the planet a lot.

I grew up watching all these crazy movies European movies and stuff and I guess that I always laughed at things that were a little more offbeat.

You take somebody that cries their goddam eyes out over phoney stuff in the movies and nine times out of ten they're mean bastards at heart.