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I love the first two X-Men movies because I thought that Bryan Singer did such a great job. He elevated that whole genre. He's a very talented director.

I want to work with great directors. I want to work on good material with good actors. I've probably done 20 movies at this point and a lot of independents. It's been an incredible ride and I love it and I'm just going to keep going and doing what I'm doing.

The first two movies I directed failed when I was 21 and 23 and that was the greatest thing that could have happened.

I do other sorts of things. I act in other people's movies. I direct operas. I write books.

So yes there's nothing I love more than listening to directors talk about their movies.

If I have to produce movies direct movies whatever to change the way Hollywood treats older women I'll do it. If I have to bend the rules I will. If I have to break them I will.

I'll work with a director if I think I'm going to get into a comfortable situation and if it's someone I respect and who respects me even if they're not so well known. Movies are hard to make and you have to work toward a common ethic and do your best.

Listen there are some movies that are set in stone and the writer or the director does not want to change but I've never worked on a movie including my own that didn't take advantage of a rehearsal process.

I don't always see my movies right away. And there are some I haven't seen at all. Sometimes that bothers the directors so I'm obliged to see them.

I don't watch the movies I make so I haven't seen 'Footloose' since it came out. You see this young hungry actor it's pretty fun. I was the only one they screen tested. It was an attempt by the director and producer to talk the head of the studio into hiring me because they didn't want me.

I don't direct movies for a living.

Yeah I mean the material directors the other cast and if you think you can do something with the character then you do it and go from there. I am looking forward to doing some smaller movies.

I'll probably pursue doing more movies but not horror or movies with killers in them. I'll try to stick to happy movies. I want to act and direct like Jodie Foster. I admire her because she went to college and she's still doing the same thing.

Over the years with movies I've given directors notes.

I think ever since I was preteen I wanted to direct movies and tell stories.

I work constantly but I work at a lot of different things. You know I run a theater company in New York I direct plays act in plays in movies so I try to keep it eclectic.

Well Toronto I consider to be the birthplace of my films. I've made three films and this is the third one to premiere here in the same theater on the same day at the same time - they are my audience. They're the people that I think about while I'm writing directing and editing. I specifically make movies for them.

There certainly is no secret in that there are plenty of people who don't like plenty of my movies. Each one of my films is personal each one of my films is emotionally autobiographical. And I like directors who do that. With each one of my films I'm exploring one of my own issues and I try to expose myself a little in the film.

There are only so many movies you can direct. And yet there are movies that I want to make sure make it to the screen in as honest a way as possible.

Being the son of a filmmaker you are aware of a career as a director. You don't think of it as just movies but as a life.

How many movies do you see when you can say this director really knew what film he wanted to make? I can count them on the fingers of one hand.

I spent all my time on my movies worried that people were eating and that the schedule was being kept so to have experts in those areas giving me the brain space as a writer and director is huge.

I've been offered lots of movies. There's always some actor who's doing a project and would like to have me do it. But you look at the project and think 'Gee there are a lot of good directors who could do that.' I'd like to do something only I can do.

I wanted to write and direct movies and not be forced to adapt them from a bestselling book.