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There are realities we all share regardless of our nationality language or individual tastes. As we need food so do we need emotional nourishment: love kindness appreciation and support from others.

Search For environmental In Quotes 189

Factory farming is one of the biggest contributors to the most serious environmental problems. The meat industry causes more greenhouse gas emissions than all the cars trucks planes and ships in the world.

Moreover the practical recommendations deduced from ecological principles threaten the vested interests of commerce it is hardly surprising that the financial and political power created by these investments should be used sometimes to suppress environmental impact studies.

We now see numerous examples of brands working together to address issues such as environmental degradations climate control pollution poverty and disease.

More and more companies are reaching out to their suppliers and contractors to work jointly on issues of sustainability environmental responsibility ethics and compliance.

Advertising is an environmental striptease for a world of abundance.

I've used the prestige and influence of having been a president of the United States as effectively as possible. And secondly I've still been able to carry out my commitments to peace and human rights and environmental quality and freedom and democracy and so forth.

Moral codes adjust themselves to environmental conditions.

There are two problems for our species' survival - nuclear war and environmental catastrophe - and we're hurtling towards them. Knowingly.

The real cure for our environmental problems is to understand that our job is to salvage Mother Nature. We are facing a formidable enemy in this field. It is the hunters... and to convince them to leave their guns on the wall is going to be very difficult.

A very Faustian choice is upon us: whether to accept our corrosive and risky behavior as the unavoidable price of population and economic growth or to take stock of ourselves and search for a new environmental ethic.

I have a private plane. But I fly commercial when I go to environmental conferences.

If the federal government had been around when the Creator was putting His hand to this state Indiana wouldn't be here. It'd still be waiting for an environmental impact statement.

Pushing production out of America to nations without our environmental standards increases global environmental risks.

Liberals in Congress have spent the past three decades pandering to environmental extremists. The policies they have put in place are in large part responsible for the energy crunch we are seeing today. We have not built a refinery in this country for 30 years.

Mankind is considered (by the radical environmentalists) the lowest and the meanest of all species and is blamed for everything.

In today's world it is no longer unimaginable to think that business can operate - and even thrive - in an environmentally-friendly manner.

We learned that economic growth and environmental protection can and should go hand in hand.

Nuclear power will help provide the electricity that our growing economy needs without increasing emissions. This is truly an environmentally responsible source of energy.

Under the Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star Program homes are independently verified to be measurably more energy efficient than average houses.

The Endangered Species Act is the strongest and most effective tool we have to repair the environmental harm that is causing a species to decline.

People in Slow Food understand that food is an environmental issue.

For me going vegan was an ethical and environmental decision. I'm doing the right thing by the animals.

Earth Day 1970 was irrefutable evidence that the American people understood the environmental threat and wanted action to resolve it.

I think Captain Cousteau might be the father of the environmental movement.