Search For finite In Quotes 300

I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see.

If we have any hope of finding ways for seven billion people to live well on planet with finite resources we have to learn to use our resources efficiently. Plastic bags are neither efficient nor environmentally friendly.

But maybe music was not intended to satisfy the curious definiteness of man. Maybe it is better to hope that music may always be transcendental language in the most extravagant sense.

Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out.

We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.

There's definitely space for uniqueness in a home console.

I never want to try to be a spokesperson for health and wellness because I most definitely am not the most in shape person in the world.

There's definitely evidence that capitalism at its most ruthless rewards psychopathic behavior. When you look at the worst corners of the American health insurance industry or the sub-prime banking market it really feels like the more psychopathically someone behaves the more it's rewarded.

My hobbies include maintaining my physical and mental health. It's a full-time job. Yoga definitely helps for both of them. I'm a big fan of relaxing and not having a schedule. That's my best way to keep from going crazy.

I'm one of those people who is actually inspired by a deadline. I might not sleep for many days on end it may not be good for my health but it definitely helps.

By mere burial man arrives not at bliss and in the future life throughout its whole infinite range they will seek for happiness as vainly as they sought it here who seek it in aught else than that which so closely surrounds them here - the Infinite.

Now an infinite happiness cannot be purchased by any price less than that which is infinite in value and infinity of merit can only result from a nature that is infinitely divine or perfect.

Defense is a definite part of the game and a great part of defense is learning to play it without fouling.

The infinitely little have a pride infinitely great.

What you see but can't see over is as good as infinite.

God is definitely out of the closet.

More are the names of God and infinite are the forms through which He may be approached. In whatever name and form you worship Him through them you will realise Him.

An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others.

Politics are for foreigners with their endless wrongs and paltry rights. Politics are a lousy way to get things done. Politics are like God's infinite mercy a last resort.

However many blessings we expect from God His infinite liberality will always exceed all our wishes and our thoughts.

The finite is annihilated in the presence of the infinite and becomes a pure nothing. So our spirit before God so our justice before divine justice.

White... is not a mere absence of colour it is a shining and affirmative thing as fierce as red as definite as black... God paints in many colours but He never paints so gorgeously I had almost said so gaudily as when He paints in white.

What a piece of work is a man how noble in reason how infinite in faculties in form and moving how express and admirable in action how like an angel in apprehension how like a god.

Surely God would not have created such a being as man with an ability to grasp the infinite to exist only for a day! No no man was made for immortality.