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But when we started our product portfolio we focused the mixed signal requirements first for image processing devices and then in audio applications targeting our technology into the growing use of digital technology in consumer markets.

Community colleges need to be upgraded. We got to have training for real jobs. We've got a lot of jobs that are going unfilled because we don't have the technology in the heads of graduating college students to deal with them.

That work led to the emergence of the recombinant DNA technology thereby providing a major tool for analyzing mammalian gene structure and function and formed the basis for me receiving the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Despite my emphasis on technology I do not view laws as inherently evil. My goals are political ones even if my techniques are not. The only way to fundamentally succeed is by changing existing laws. If I rejected all help from the political arena I would inevitably fail.

I am a technological activist. I have a political agenda. I am in favor of basic human rights: to free speech to use any information and technology to purchase and use recreational drugs to enjoy and purchase so-called 'vices' to be free of intruders and to privacy.

I was using tape loops for dancers and dance production. I had very funky primitive equipment in fact technology wasn't very good no matter how much money you had.

From a technical point of view there seemed to me to be absolutely no reason why - with the existing technology - we couldn't do very high quality audio because whereas the boom in digital graphics is ongoing the boom in digital audio has already happened.

I had two passions growing up - one was music one was technology. I tried to play in a band for a while but I was never talented enough to make it. And I started companies. One day came along and I decided to combine the two - and there was Spotify.

Stevie didn't use the technology to drive the song. He used it to enhance. I use the tools to further my work I don't use my work to further the tools.

Technology is similarly just a catalyst at times for fundamental forces already present.

From coast to coast the FBI and Securities and Exchange Commission have ensnared people not only at hedge funds but at technology and pharmaceutical companies consulting and law firms government agencies and even a major stock exchange.

We are just fanatics about using the technology to make it all wonderful. We laughed at the fact that we were having such a great time working this way.

I try to be careful because technology changes so much over the years. But some things don't change. Kids and parents have disagreements kids try to manipulate parents try to sit down with rules and regs. That part never changes.

There is no point in launching technology before customers are ready to use it.

Our markets have not achieved their great successes as a result of government fiat but rather through efforts of competing interests working to meet the demands of investors and to fulfill the promises posed by advancing technology.

Today the forces of competition technology and globalization have converged to spur innovation and to transform the way business is done in the securities industry.

The technology is really where all of the changes have taken place but the fundamentals of a good story being the basis of every good picture and really the only basis still remains the rule more so today I think because we've unfortunately weaned an audience from birth to kind of mindless movies.

Everything's changed. The technology is the big thing changing now the way movies like 'Alice' or 'Avatar' are made. And technology on the other side the audience side. Word spreads so fast now on a movie with the Internet and piracy is something coming down the line like in the music industry.

The rapid dissemination of technology and information offers entirely new ways of production but it can also bring the spectre of more states developing weapons of mass destruction.

The only protection as a historian is to institute a process of research and writing that minimizes the possibility of error. And that I have tried to do aided by modern technology which enables me having long since moved beyond longhand to use a computer for both organizing and taking notes.

You can always improve on something the technology is different today but I would leave it well alone. If there was something that was incomplete that might be interesting... because I do that on my website.

I think that's the phenomenon of our time is that a lot of women keep themselves in good shape but that there's not a lot of accommodation or people out there to connect with and the technology.

There's evidence of a social decline in direct proportion to technology and the industrialization of the motion picture industry.

Ever since the arrival of printing - thought to be the invention of the devil because it would put false opinions into people's minds - people have been arguing that new technology would have disastrous consequences for language.