Search For things In Quotes 2618

Regularity in the hours of rising and retiring perseverance in exercise adaptation of dress to the variations of climate simple and nutritious aliment and temperance in all things are necessary branches of the regimen of health.

The art and culture that is New York communications finance all these things help make up New York. The rest of the country should be happy that we are what we are.

I like eating out. I like buying beautiful paintings and being surrounded by beautiful things. I have to finance that life. I can barely afford a pension scheme because I don't make enough money.

I have a lot of trouble understanding all the detail of finance and administration - but if you combine intellectual and professional capacity with a social conscience you can change things: countries structures economic models colonial states.

The FHA's success provides strong evidence that government can and should play a role in the nation's mortgage finance system. It also demonstrates that although government intervention in the economy during the Great Recession was messy things would have been a lot messier without it.

You want to put out a TV show? If you have the money to do it on your own by yourself and you have a TV network you can do it by yourself. But the nature of the beast is art needs finance. That's how this industry works. So until the Internet becomes our source of entertainment - and watch it I believe it will - this is how things go.

It is bad policy to regulate everything... where things may better regulate themselves and can be better promoted by private exertions but it is no less bad policy to let those things alone which can only be promoted by interfering social power.

We had a booming stock market in 1929 and then went into the world's greatest depression. We have a booming stock market in 1999. Will the bubble somehow burst and then we enter depression? Well some things are not different.

One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys another sells and both think they are astute.

Maybe I fear things going wrong so much that I pre-empt them by not getting excited about them when they appear to be. going well.

I think that the problem is that people fear so many things and they don't live life to its fullest. And for me as an artist if God should want me to come this Wednesday to the end of my life so be it.

One of the most gratifying things I get as an artist is when people watch me do these different demonstrations and they in some way feel empowered by what I'm doing so they can confront their own fears. Maybe it's the fear of getting in an elevator maybe it's the fear of going on a plane and seeing the world.

People feel uncomfortable talking about racial issues out of fear that if they express things they will be characterized in a way that's not fair. I think that there is still a need for a dialogue about things racial that we've not engaged in.

Most fears are basic: fear of the dark fear of going down in the basement fear of weird sounds fear that somebody is waiting for you in your closet. Those kinds of things stay with you no matter what age.

When I was younger I used to pick things just to face the fear.

Here's what the right-wing has in there's no shortage of the natural resources of ignorance apathy hate fear. As long as those things are in the collective conscious and unconscious the Republicans will have some votes.

I like normal stuff people fear - like spiders and heights. I'm frightened by the unknown by things that are hard to figure out and get a grip on.

A line from one of my 1997 columns - 'Do one thing every day that scares you' - is now widely attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt though I have yet to see any evidence that she ever said it and I don't believe she did. She said some things about fear but not that thing.

I won't touch on risky because that's subjective. People are just afraid of things too much. Afraid of things that don't necessarily merit fear.

The things you fear are undefeatable not by their nature but by your approach.

I don't think that anyone seriously fears that the world can be blown to pieces all together. But what one can fear and rightly so are regional things like in the Middle East India Pakistan the Korean Peninsula borders in Africa etc.

Fear can make all of us do the wrong things sometimes.

So then learn to conquer your fear. This is the only art we have to master nowadays: to look at things without fear and to fearlessly do right.

Respect and fear are two different things.