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There are some things you only learn through experience.

There are a lot of things that make up a performance a lot of technical things. It isn't always just about pulling it up from the darkest recesses of your mind or your heart. It's your experience and your observation.

There are a lot of impractical things about owning a Porsche. But they're all offset by the driving experience. It really is unique. Lamborghinis and Ferraris come close. And they are more powerful but they don't handle like a Porsche.

There is no winning or losing but rather the value is in the experience of imagining yourself as a character in whatever genre you're involved in whether it's a fantasy game the Wild West secret agenst or whatever else. You get to sort of vicariously experience those things.

Capital isn't that important in business. Experience isn't that important. You can get both of these things. What is important is ideas.

I don't think any good book is based on factual experience. Bad books are about things the writer already knew before he wrote them.

I just love to experience things. I would do almost anything once.

I think a lot comes from having the experience of doing stand-up comedy. It allows you to figure out the psychology of an audience what things are funny and not.

My experience with both my parents is that grief has a lot of down sad things but I was also really emotionally raw in the first year after each of them passed. Flowers smelled more intensely my relationships were hotter and I was more willing to risk. I was going for it a lot more. I was 'unsober' and I wasn't playing by my rules.

An adolescent is somebody who is in between things. A teenager is somebody who's kind of permanently there. And so living with them through the various teenage hopes and sorrows and joys was curiously enough a maturing experience for me.

One of the things in the back of my mind is that after my sports experience I never want to be totally consumed by any one endeavor other than my family life.

You can learn more from the lows than the highs. The highs are great but the lows make you really look at things in a different way and want to improve. Every player will have both in their careers and I have but what you get is that experience which is so important to perform at your best.

I believe that being an actress or being involved in a movie has to be a life experience otherwise why go for it? I have to change me and I have to learn things and I have to push me and my limits. By acting I find a freedom inside of a prison in a way.

These are tough times and under this Tory-led government many people in Manchester are suffering and getting left behind. If elected I will use all my energy skills experience and knowledge to stand up for our communities and get things done for the better.

I find increasingly that the more extreme are the things going on in your life the more cultural reference points fail you. More mythical reference points actually help and you realise that's what myths are for. It's for human beings to process their experience in extremis.

Stories have always been the things that entertain me and make me feel happy and sad and move me and give me the experience of being able to live many lives in one lifetime. It's the best thing about being alive.

I want to be able to experience everything. I want to experience being a husband experience being a father experience maybe hopefully someday being a grandfather and all those things. I want that experience. When I die I want to be exhausted.

I think I have a tendency to look at things subjectively rather than objectively when I reflect on my experience.

I left Jamaica for a while because as an artist I need to experience different things see the world have different energies. Living in one place is not good for me.

Though 'Fire and Rain' is very personal for other people it resonates as a sort of commonly held experience... And that's what happens with me. I write things for personal reasons and then in some cases it... can be a shared experience.

Fun is to experience things you would not have been able to experience in any other setting.

Prudence is but experience which equal time equally bestows on all men in those things they equally apply themselves unto.

I think on-stage nudity is disgusting shameful and damaging to all things American. But if I were 22 with a great body it would be artistic tasteful patriotic and a progressive religious experience.

I can't control what people think. I'm not trying to manipulate people's thoughts or sentiments. I write all the time. You have to experience life make observations and ask questions. It's machine-like how things are run now in hip-hop and my ambitions are different.