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It's sad when you can't make everyone happy though. It's impossible but at the same time you still hope. You think 'Maybe I can do it ' but you know you can't. But gosh if I had to rely on giving people what they wanted I would have had to write 40 billion different books and even then I wouldn't get it right.

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I'm not an expert on the Malaysian sense of humor.

Sometimes Americans don't quite get my sense of humor. My good ol' British sarcasm seems to go over their heads.

But it also became the experience or was the experience of the writers who were attracted to this kind of humor. They're all men or women who come from the same kind of experience in their own lives.

Humor can inform and break down stigma which is a huge issue in the military.

Well it's a humor strip so my first responsibility has always been to entertain the reader... But if in addition I can help move readers to thought and judgment about issues that concern me so much the better.

Bob Hope like Mark Twain had a sense of humor that was uniquely American and like Twain we'll likely not see another like him.

Anyone in the humor business isn't thinking clearly if he doesn't surround himself with idea people. Otherwise you settle for mediocrity - or you burn yourself out.

I think Canadian humor is a little less broad than American humor.

I think the Canadian sense of humor is dryer than America's and juicier than Britain's. I think it's a cross between the two of them really.

I don't know if my sense of humor goes over Americans' heads.

They don't make you pay for the humor. It's up and down but they're trying to give you as many laughs as possible in 2 minutes. They are the most honest comedians ever.

I love a man with a great sense of humor and who is intelligent - a man who has a great smile. He has to make me laugh. I like a man who is very ambitious and driven and who has a good heart and makes me feel safe. I like a man who is very strong and independent and confident - that is very sexy - but at the same time he's very kind to people.

With actors like Steve McQueen Paul Newman and Harrison Ford what made them such icons is that even in dramatic movies their characters had a sense of humor.

I have a dark sense of humor.

Men love it. They have a sense of humor whereas a lot of women are threatened or just don't get it.

I try to bring it across on my record in my dress in what I do and what I say because to me humor is important. You should have a dose of that and I guess giving it is what I'm here for.

I think hip-hop does a very good job of infusing comedy and humor and wit into music a lot more than other genres.

Never say a humorous thing to a man who does not possess humor. He will always use it in evidence against you.

Even celebrities most people have a sense of humor. Most of the people we meet who we've done on the show like it.

Some major writers have a huge impact like Ayn Rand who to my mind is a lousy fiction writer because her writing has no compassion and virtually no humor. She has a philosophical and economical message that she is passing off as fiction but it really isn't fiction at all.

Colombian humor is very black very sarcastic.

We do not take humor seriously enough.

I think that different pleasures work for different readers - a friend of mine won't read anything that's not a cardiovascular sort of page-turner. I tend to care less about plot but I'm a sucker for humor and strangeness.

I try to cope with everything through humor.