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I even believe if you're killing a team you shouldn't stop. You should respect your opponents enough to play 100 percent the whole time. And by the same token if you're getting killed by the other team you should never quit.

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Part of what I loved - and love - about being around older people is the tangible sense of history they embody. I'm interested in military history for instance because both my grandfathers fought in World War II. I'm interested in writing because one of those grandfathers wrote books.

I'm really interested in modern history but to fulfill a History degree at Brown you have to do modern and pre-modern.

Even in high school I was very interested in history - why people do the things they do. As a kid I spent a lot of time trying to relate the past to the present.

The whole history of pop music had rested on the first person singular with occasional intrusions of the second person singular.

It has pleased and interested me to see how I could get along under difficult circumstances and with so much discomfort but as I say I was not sent out here to improve my temper or my health or to make me more content with my good things in the East.

We are particularly interested in the mental health programs and policies that support our troops and their families before during and after deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan.

I am interested in getting people to use the healthcare system at the right time getting them to see the doctor early enough before a small health problem turns serious.

In the beginning when I sat next to Tom Brokaw on the 'Today' show the stories I was interested in were those having to do with women and children and learning and health. In those days 25 to 30 years ago that was called soft news and not in a nice way.

The doctor has been taught to be interested not in health but in disease. What the public is taught is that health is the cure for disease.

Success doesn't mean that you are healthy success doesn't mean that you're happy success doesn't mean that you're rested. Success really doesn't mean that you look good or feel good or are good.

90% 100% are going there to hear the singing. The story is another thing. Nobody's interested in the story. Happiness is happiness.

I'm interested in the dark side of man. I'm interested in taboos and murder is the greatest taboo. Characters are fascinating in their extremity not in their happiness.

I always had a larger view. I'm interested in real life - my family my friends. I have tried never to define myself by my success whatever that is. My happiness is way beyond roles and awards.

The greatest happiness comes from being vitally interested in something that excites all your energies.

It's horrible when people are only interested in buying labels because it doesn't bring them the happiness they think it will.

Creativity is a great motivator because it makes people interested in what they are doing. Creativity gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea. Creativity gives the possibility of some sort of achievement to everyone. Creativity makes life more fun and more interesting.

Little minds are interested in the extraordinary great minds in the commonplace.

In the summer we graduated we flipped out completely drinking beer cruising in our cars and beating up each other. It was a crazy summer. That's when I started to be interested in girls.

When I was a graduate student the leading spirits at Harvard were interested in the history of ideas.

Some go on to trade schools or get further training for jobs they are interested in. Some go into the arts some are craftsmen some take a little time out to travel and some start their own businesses. But our graduates find and work at what they want to do.

I first became interested in women and religion when I was one of the few women doing graduate work in Religious Studies at Yale University in the late 1960's.

I'm interested in the human impact of the giant foot of misplaced government. After all we encounter it every day.

I think people are confused about what the Tea Party is. I mean they were a broad cross-section of Americans who came together concerned about our debt and our spending. And they're interested in constitutional limited government. And so they're not one group of people. They're thousands of small groups all over the country.

A world in which government is burdened by historic debt philanthropy has limited resources and the private sector is only interested in its own personal gain is simply unsustainable.