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I knew I had to get out of Boston and stop making movies there at least for one movie otherwise no one would ever consider me for a movie that took place south of Providence.

Search For going In Quotes 1959

Going to a concert is so overwhelming and the energy is amazing.

When we're on set we kind of joke around and when we're rehearsing we change up the scenes and make each other laugh. We lighten up the mood. The blooper reel is going to be amazing on 'New Moon.'

Of course this is Vegas and it is the melting pot for all over the world but people from all over the world know Donny and Marie. It is amazing. I have been in the business a long time to realize careers can be fleeting. Five years is a long career nowadays for some people and here we are still going strong after 40 years.

I started running outside when I was at 'Biggest Loser.' Then I got runner's knee and thought I was never going to be able to shake it. When I overcame that and ran the L.A. Marathon it was such an amazing thing and now running is such a part of my routine.

It was an amazing adventure it was my dream to be in an American musical... I really hope you are going to love what you are going to see.

People always think that if you eat anything as a model it's amazing. I used to tease them and say you know I'm going to throw up afterwards.

I imagine my children are going to save me from my vanity and be my passion and fill whatever fears I have of the amazing time I'm having right now being gone.

My wife a schoolteacher very disciplined. If you think I'm tough trust me and wait till you see when the children are on the naughty step. It's hilarious. So we decided that I'm going to work like a donkey and provide amazing support for the family.

For the last 20 years of my life I've had the mantra to do amazing parts with amazing people in amazing projects so I'm attracted to good story writing and character and good people. That's what I'm always searching for and I don't think that's ever going to change.

But I am not going to live for ever. And the more I know it the more amazed I am by being here at all.

Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind amazing things will happen.

I can support going in after Saddam Hussein but I want to make sure I don't go alone.

There's this thing of you can live in a city and be completely alone not notice anything going on around you.

Perhaps the best motivation for going to Mars is political. It is obvious that no single nation currently has either the will or the resources to do it alone but a consortium of nations and space agencies could achieve it within 20 years.

I think all teenagers feel alone and that nobody else knows what they are going through and all that sort of stuff.

There's nobody else on the face of this earth that's playing a sport at a highest level... with a transplant. That alone continues to inspire me because I realize throughout the whole world the struggles that people are going through. I need to inspire them the best way I can.

If you're truly in a band and you guys have been together for a long time there's a family bond that you have. In fact I've talked about this with therapists especially if you're talking about a relationship because when you're with somebody you're going to your family and she's alone.

I still don't like going to bed alone.

I understand and get when kids and teenagers feel like they're alone and it's not going to get better. My advice is that there is a support system out there there are a lot of people who have been through what you're going through and are going through it now.

I think sometimes all you need is to hear someone else say the same thing that you're going through to realize that you're not alone. I try to put some sense of hope into the songs into whatever the situation is so that it's not just dirt drudgery and a life of misery.

I was a little doubtful about the propriety of going to the Mammoth Cave without a gentleman escort but if two ladies travel alone they must have the courage of men.

But it seems that the judging maybe they shouldn't at least see the practices all week long. That can taint the way they go into the judging and the outlook of what's going to happen instead of just watching those four minutes and judging on those minutes alone.

I'm a very brave person. I can go to North Vietnam I can challenge my government but I can't challenge the man I'm with if means I'm going to end up alone.

Yeah my dream would be to work for 6 months and then have 6 months to play just snowboarding surfing and going to cool places to listen and be alone and kinda chill out.